Western countries urge Liu Xia to go abroad China refers to intervention in internal affairs – Free Asia Cantonese Radio (FRG)

Western countries urge Liu Xia to go abroad China refers to intervention in internal affairs Free Asia Cantonese Radio (FRG)

Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, died as a result of an illness. Many governments and international organizations have expressed their condolences and criticized the Chinese government for causing the untimely death of Liu Xiaobo. China's Foreign Ministry said on Friday it has made representations to countries involved in China's domestic affairs. The Taiwan Affairs Bureau of the State Council has criticized the ruling Progressive Democratic Party and used Liu Xiaobo's death to discuss the continent's political system with the aim of bringing back relations. between the two shores of the strait. (Report by Gao Feng) In New York, United States, organizations defending freedom of expression organized a rally in front of the office of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations on Thursday. mourning of Liu Xiaobo. In addition to the United States, Britain, France and Germany have expressed their condolences and urged Beijing to allow Liu Xiaobo's wife, Liu Xia, and his younger brother to leave to l & # 39; abroad. Germany, which is preparing to receive Liu Xia's younger brother, Foreign Minister Gabriel, issued a statement calling on China to immediately allow Liu Xia's sister to leave the country. In his statement, Gabriel asked China to immediately lift the restrictions on communication and the free movement of Liu Xia and his relatives, Liu Xia and his younger brother, Liu Hui, should be allowed to leave China, surrender in Germany or choose to go to other countries. In Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Yan Shuang said Liu Xiaobo was a criminal who had violated Chinese law and was tried according to law. He also claimed that Liu Xiaobo's case was China's internal affairs and that foreign countries did not have the right to make irresponsible remarks. Shuang Shuang: The statements of the parties concerned constitute an interference in the judicial sovereignty and internal affairs of China, and also constitute a violation of the internationally recognized spirit of the rule of law.We have already presented solemn declarations to the countries concerned. The British official newspaper "Global Times" said Friday that Liu Xiaobo had been victim of a misrepresentation by the West. He awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo and kidnapped him. The article pointed out that China would strive to put it to the rescue, but outside the country, especially in the West, the treatment used would be a human rights incident. and that foreign forces would use Liu Xiaobo's state to become a tool for demonizing China. The death of Liu Xiaobo has made China a target of the international community, but Fang Enge, a lawyer familiar with American politics, believes that China and the West are based on economic and commercial factors …

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