What did you see when the French team, which grew up in the war, met the French team of the "son of immigrants"? – The network of examination of the keys of the news


The 2018 World Cup is about to end: the final will be held on the 15th. It will be won by France and Croatia, it is the French comeback in 20 years, it is also a "legal army". Croatia is said to have been the closest to the championship trophy. But what do you see on the players of both teams?

"Joint News Network" reported that Croatia delighted the tournament, beat Argentina 3-0, then set a record for winning three games in the playoffs, in addition to strong force, The spirit and hard work that never give up on the ground can come from the nationality created by the country's history.

Croatian football is always inseparable from politics. In 1992, the political slogans of their own home fans held their homes for four years, but that did not affect their miracles. In 1998, this new student of the Balkans, the first time in the war, was a blockbuster, he will reach the top four after losing to the French champions in the semifinals, he will win the third place and let the world remember Name

Croatian players who grew up during the war

are in the Balkans of the "European powder keg" The War of Independence has always been a scar that the Croatians do not want to mention, but the history has always been there. Become a memory in their growing history. Including captains Modric, Zhongwei Lovren and other veteran players over 29 years old, spent the childhood under the rain of bullets, for war refugees, the desire to represent the country is a luxury . "East Sen News" reports that Luka Modrić, 32 years old and only 172 cm tall, is currently Real Madrid's Real Madrid midfielder, with an annual income of 10 million pounds, about NT $ 4. More than 100 million. Modric also became the best midfielder selected by UEFA UEFA last year. "ETtoday" reported that Modric, born in 1985, broke out at the time of independence in Croatia as a child. At the time of the war, Modric's grandfather was killed and Modric followed his family to the refugee camp at the age of six.

The BBC reports that Modric remembers: "I was only 6 years old, it was really a very difficult day, I remember it very well, but I do not want to think about it ", Modric in 2008. Once said, he rarely mentioned war.

"This war has made me stronger, I do not want to take it away forever, but I do not want to forget it either."

As long as there will be no harbadment of the Serbian army, Modric will be in the port city of Croatia. Kicking a tattered football in the streets of Zadar. When he was a child, his grandfather was killed by Serbian militants, his house was kidnapped and football was his way of dealing with these injuries. Children like him have learned since childhood that they should not be too far from the shelter they hide, or that near thunder will blow him up.

Another Croatian born in Switzerland, Ivan Rakitić, although born in Switzerland, also participated in this story in different ways as a child.

The Real Madrid Taiwan fan group translated a report from its forum (The Players & Tribune), talking about his growing experience and his father who loves football, his father and his brother when he was a child. The jersey of Roche makes him feel that it is part of the country, he even wears the jersey for several days and does not want to take it off, he played for the Swiss team in his youth and has finally chose to represent Croatia at this time. In the game, he finished his dream of wearing a "plaid shirt" when he was a kid.

"BBC" reported that Dejan Lovren, the current defender of Liverpool, also had the same memory, his family lost in the war. Home, fled to Germany. However, they did not ask for asylum and had to return to Croatia in the late 1990s. At that time, Lovren's mother tongue was not very good and he met with great difficulties in his clbades.

Lovren said, "When I saw the refugees in Syria and in other countries today, my first thought was that we needed to give these people a chance, that they would not be able to do it. they do not want to engage in the wars launched by others, they can only what is done, it is to escape. "

Not only in Croatia, l & # 39; French team also has a lot of "children of immigrants"

"Wind Media" reports that 15% of the Croatian team was born abroad. Among the people, 17 are the second generation of immigrants, such as France French team striker Kylian Mbappé, defender Samuel Umtiti, midfielder Blaise Matuidi, defender Raphael Varane, etc. . Although they grew up mainly in France, their parents come from African countries, making the French team the African team.

"TVBS" reported that after the Second World War in France, at that time, to rebuild a hundred, the authorities have introduced a large number of immigrants from Europe. East, Southern Europe and North Africa in the labor force. At the time, the number of immigrants introduced by France reached 2.7 million, more than in other European countries, then in the 1960s and early 1970s, the French economy was growing rapidly and labor shortages were leading to a new wave of immigration. Immigrants from French colonies in Africa and Cameroon.

"Central News Agency" reports that at least 12 players from the French team are of African descent and are related to nine different African countries, but this is not an event special for supporters who support the France team. The subject of concern, "In addition to a few people, we warmly welcome these people (in reference to immigrants), and they (in reference to immigration) reflect the value of France."

However, when immigrant descendants shine on the ground, at the EU summit on the 29th of last month, EU leaders came to a consensus on the "question of the EU". immigration "which will be discussed for a long time in the Mediterranean region. Immigration Center for "real" and "fake" refugees.

After nearly 10 hours of marathon meeting, 28 EU Member States have agreed to create an "Immigration Treatment Center" in the country, under the pretext of a membership " volunteer "to distinguish refugees who really need shelter. If you are not a real "asylum seeker", you will be "fired" if you are not a real "asylum seeker".

News Source:

Nuclear Project Editor: Yang Zhengxi

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