White Rhino culture endangered in North Africa should be successful in the production of test tube embryos |


White rhinoceros. (Photo Source: WildAid)

(Taiwan English News / Lin Jingyi Report) I hope to see white rhinos from North Africa living freely on the African continent, this kind of voice does not come not just white rhinos from North Africa. Scientists have published good news about hybrid embryos that have successfully revived the white rhinos in North and South Africa.

Thomas Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Leibniz, Germany, led an international research team and announced in the article "Nature Communications" on the 4th that the team has successfully re-launched the research. Hybrid white rhinos from North and South Africa. Embryo.

AFP quotes Thomas Hildebrandt, Director of Reproductive Management at the Leibniz Institute for Zoological and Wildlife Research, the first to save extinct species Significant levels were achieved in specimens .

With the help of Avantea, an Italian laboratory dedicated to the rehabilitation of horses and cattle, the researchers managed to obtain rhinoceros eggs from European zoos using sperm from male white rhinoceros. North Africa and South African female white rhino eggs.

Dr. Thomas Hildebrandt stated that our goal is to have the first North African white rhinoceros born in three years.

He also said that if we look at the 16-month-old pregnancy, we still have more than a year to successfully conceive the mother, especially in the South African White Rhino surrogate, because of the rhinoceros North African white Sudan, Sudan The daughter Najin and her granddaughter Fatu are no longer adapted to pregnancy.

According to animal rehabilitation experts, the descendants of the North African white rhino Sultan are the only "people" able to teach the social life of the white rhinoceros of North Africa.

Therefore, in order to breed white rhinos from purebred North Africa, the research team hopes to use the new in vitro egg harvesting technique to collect eggs from two white female rhinos. from North Africa, which can only be approved by the Kenyan authorities.

As to why there was no recovery of artificial egg earlier? In the past, at the Czech zoo, experts had tried to get Najin and his granddaughter Fatu to accept artificial fertility, but they had to send them to Kenya, Kenya, in the hope that they would not be able to do so. a natural offspring. However, in the end, they found that their condition was not suitable for pregnancy.

After the death of the North African Sultan of the White Rhinoceros (Sudan) in March of this year, only the daughter Najin and her granddaughter Fatu, two white rhinos from North Africa, live in the Ol Pejeta. Scientists not only start fundraising, but also try to work for the survival of the species through artificial insemination.

The star ambbadador of the North African White Rhinoceros Sultan died WildAid: five species of rhinos have to be kept emergency

US California Zoo launched the l 39; artificial rearing of white rhinoceros in North Africa

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