Who is the "conservative" judge appointed by Trump? He's "right" in guns, abortion, affirmation and protection of the environment – The News Lens


(Central News Agency)
US President Trump announced today (10) that he has appointed Washington Court of Appeal judge, Kavano, as judge, and that the protesters declared themselves to the Supreme Court. Will resist.

Trump, a Republican senator's witness, announced the appointment of 53-year-old Brett Kavanaugh as a judge, and Kavano was accompanied by his wife and two daughters, thanking Trump for his trust. And expressed the honor of being named.

The current US Supreme Court Justice, Anthony Kennedy, announced that he would retire at the end of July, on the eve of the 82nd anniversary of M's appointment. Trump.

Trump said that the appointment of a judge is the most important decision that the US president must make. His former President Ronald Reagan pointed out that to maintain the political legacy left by Reagan, what he thinks is important is not the political views of judges, but they are not swayed. by personal opinions and defend the laws and constitutions of the United States.

Cavano served as the clerk of Kennedy and served as White House legal adviser to former President George W. Bush.By relation to Kennedy's neutral stance, the US public opinion believes that Cavano has a clear position. If the nomination file is approved by the Senate, Trump can ensure that the US Supreme Court is a firm and conservative right-wing position in the future.

The decision of the US Supreme Court is crucial for society and people's lives. In the past, in women's right to abortion and same-bad marriage, Kennedy played a key role in the vote of nine judges. The badysis believes that if the case of Kavano's staff is adopted, the Supreme Court will tend to be conservative in the future, and on some issues may overturn the decision that has made more freedom and progress.

After the announcement of Cavano's appointment by Trump, there was a wave of protests over the former place of the Supreme Court, and many Democrats and Senators without a party, Bernie Sanders, did everything. what was in their power to stop the mid-term elections. Before, the Congress voted on the appointment.

The appointment of the US President to the position of Chief Justice must be approved by more than half of the Senate. Currently, the Republican Party has 51 seats in the Senate, 49 in the Democratic Party and no party. What Kavano can pbad, the key is the conservative Republican moderates.

Two Republican Senators, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, Should Face Pressures to Support Abortion Advocacy Groups After the announcement of Trump, Collins issued a written statement that the appointment will be carefully examined. .

At the end of the "Gandhidi Court", Trump seizes the opportunity to name "owner"

"Wind Media" reports that US justice is appointed by the president and that the Senate federal government exercises the right of consent. When someone dies, retires, resigns, or is indicted for working in Congress, the president may appoint to compensate. The judgment of the US Supreme Court is a majority decision, and the nine judges are a liberal or conservative camp that, in addition to being a key factor in the judgment, has a great influence on constitutional tendencies and United States. Successive presidents will nominate candidates for the same ideology camp as long as they have appointment opportunities.

On June 27, Justice Kennedy announced that he would retire on July 31, citing "the hope of accompanying his family," which would have given him a second chance to appoint the judge and the Federal Court. The ideology and direction of judgment. Although he chooses to retire, Gandi, though he is a conservative judge, often backs the Supreme Law Liberals in controversial social affairs, such as gay rights, bad, and bad. abortion, same-bad marriage and the death penalty. In social disputes, they are often willing to support the liberal position: when the two judges are matched equally, they become the most important "swing ticket".

The highest federal court in the United States is often called the "Chief Justice," but the New York Times also stated that in terms of actual influence, it would be the highest of the thirty last years. This is not an exaggeration for the court to be "the Kennedy tribunal". For many years, Gandi played a key role in breaking the stalemate between liberal and conservative judges. Kennedy's retreat gave Trump the opportunity to place conservatives in the judge's seat. "Joint News Network" reports that Lei Wei, chairman of the Justice Committee of the conservative group, pointed out that the creation of a conservative Supreme Court "has run for 30 years, which will be the first time that the United States say that they have a conservative court, for the first time since the age. "Many conservative groups, including the Federal Party Association, the Heritage Foundation, the Judicial Crisis Network, the 39, Judicial Action Organization and the Leiwei Justice Commission, are continually recruiting a new generation of conservative legal entities to enter the government's judicial system. When the judge is vacant, he can find potential candidates for past records to be tested.

Who is "Kavano"? "Central News Agency" reported that Trump said, "Judge Kavano has invulnerable experience and excellent conditions, he will seek a just judgment under the law, no one in the United States is more suitable and deserves this position as he He also urged the Senate to adopt the appointment as soon as possible.

Cavano Cavano, 53, was Kennedy's clerk and he was "the apprentice" of Kennedy: after his appointment, he said: "Grandma Kennedy has spared her life to protect freedom, I can be nominated to fill it in the Supreme Court.The vacant post is deeply honored."

In many cases, one can see that Cavano graduated from the conservative position of Yale Law School, including his opposition to the launch of former Democratic President Obama, commonly known as "The Law on Patient Protection and Affordable Care of Obamacare has recently expressed his disappointment agree with the court's decision to allow undocumented adolescents to immigrate to abortion. In 2012, a team in which he participated rejected actions taken by the US Environmental Protection Agency to reduce air pollution. "Apple Daily" reported that Kavano was supporting gun law in 2011. In 2011, the appeals court upheld Washington's decree, banning people from holding semi-automatic rifles and more than 10 shots in accusation. It is said that the ban on semi-automatic rifles is unconstitutional. In addition, he is also more conservative than Kennedy in terms of abortion and camaraderie.


Photo credit: AP / 达 志 影像

Many protesters gathered in the United States Supreme Court to protest against Trump's appointment of judge

"ETtoday" reported that if Kawana successfully entered the Supreme Court will have an impact on issues such as abortion, gun rights, affirmative action, religious freedom and environmental protection, and could push the Supreme Court divided right. Recently, conservative activists launched a campaign against Kawana, complaining that his past relationship with George W. Bush's administration and previous judgments were not strong enough.

However, lawyers working with Kavanagh believe that Kawana is brave and hard and will never falter. Time magazine pointed out that Kavana has historically determined the lives and deaths of major corporations, including telecommunications, insurance, cable companies and the auto industry.

The Apple Daily reported that the conservative organization "FreedomWorks" supported Kavana as a judge, the "appellant" a firm conservative based on fundamentalism and textualism ". The candidate for the post of judge is subject to the approval of the Federal Academy, while the Republican Party currently controls 51 seats in the 100-member Senate. If Republicans are united to support Trump's candidate, the Democratic Party can not help.

Of the nine justices of the Supreme Court, the youngest judge is Neil Gorsuch, a 50-year-old Conservative appointed by Trump last year, and John Roberts, the Chief Justice, is 63 years old. "Wind Media" reported that faced with this appointment opportunity, Trump had long said "to propose a conservative legal person who can make 40 to 45 years", "The New York Times" also said that the Supreme Court will have a faction liberal "Chuanpu hurdle" of the Pbadover.

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Nuclear Project Editor: Yang Zhengxi

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