Why does China use "human rights" to sell to the world a "personality"? Liu Xiaan, who has been under house arrest for nearly eight years, has arrived in Berlin – The News Lens


(Central News Agency)
Liu Xia, the widow of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, arrived in Helsinki on Finnish Airlines flight AY1437 at 16:47 German time on 10 (Taiwan time) In Berlin, German authorities took her directly from the airport to make sure she was not bothered by the media.

At the Tegel Airport gate in Berlin, more than 30 national journalists and personalities brandished the slogan "Welcome Liu Xia" this afternoon, but because of the great confidentiality of the German government on the Liu Xia's whereabouts, Directly sent the car to take her from the apron, and everyone was dumped.

  Liu Xia

Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image

From the observation post of the airport, the Central News Agency reporter saw a number of officials from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreigners arrive personally at the airport to catch the plane. Without a word, went into a black van and was sent to an unknown place.

  Liu Xia

Photo Credit: AP / Dazhi Image

The Chinese writer Liao Yiwu in exile and Nobel laureate Heta. Herta Mueller took the flowers to the airport to catch the plane, but they could only scream Liu Xia's name from a distance and did not see Liu Xia himself at the airport.

When I saw the plane land softly, in recent years, Liu Yibo, who was a friend of Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia, was so excited that he could not speak.

Liu Xia is 57 years old and her body is very weak after suffering depression. People who know the subject said that the German government has arranged housing and that doctors have asked her to let her focus on her illness, and she will do her best to protect her from the media.

"BBC Chinese Network" reported that according to the sources present, the German arrangement was "very detailed", Liu Xia went on the plane, and there was a doctor in the car to check his body for her.

Liu Xia 's good friend, Liao Yiwu, said after visiting her tonight that Liu Xia' s spirit was good: the German doctor had initially diagnosed that she did not want to go to school. had no illness, but his body was still weak. Rest and do not accept media interviews.

Liao Yiwu and Liu Xia have not seen him for 9 years, they finally met today, they are both very happy and hear for more than three hours. Liao Yiwu said that in the future, he will often visit Liu Xia to help him adapt to life in Germany. "Apple Daily" reported that Liao Yiwu was communicating with Liu Xia, a German writer, Nobel laureate Herta Mueller, and the Berlin Literary House was ready to provide him with a transition apartment to help him apply for German universities. The Stay Artists Program at the Exchange Center (DAAD). Cai Chu, editor-in-chief of "Democracy China", revealed that Liu Xia will organize Liu Xiaobo and his publications after the treatment. Another overseas Chinese media pointed out that after Liu Xia, the original plan was to find a quiet environment and write, so that he would meet politicians in Germany, in France and elsewhere, to then settle in Spain.

Friday the 13th is the first anniversary of the death of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo. Berlin, Germany, at 18:00 local time (12:00 on the 14th, Hong Kong time) will hold the "Liu Xiaobo First Anniversary Commemorative Meeting" at the Gethsemane Church. At that time, the Lotus Tam will read the poem of Liu Xia "Untitled – Give Xiaobo, broadcast the phone recording of Liu Xia on April 30. This year it is reported that more than 1000 people have registered to the event." Liu Xia attend this event is one of the foci of the outside world.

Love is a crime, "Love Liu Xiaobo" is life imprisonment

Since 2010, Liu Xiaobo of Liu Xia has received the Nobel Peace Prize for the writing of "Chapter 08", Liu Xia has been under house arrest for a long time.Objected to official control.For the period of house arrest, Liu Xia was a victim of double death and his brother Liu Hui was sentenced to 11 years in the name of fraud.League 2017, Liu Xiaob o was suddenly declared "the end of liver cancer" and died.

Liu Xia was suffering from depression, severe insomnia and heart disease, she cried in front of Liao Yiwu: "There is nothing nostalgic about this world anymore, it is easier to die than to die After Liu Xiaobo's illness, the outside world also constantly called on Liu Xia to travel freely abroad.At the beginning of this year, the situation changed with the strong attraction many groups and politicians at home and abroad.

"Central News Agency" reported that in January this year, the Internet downloaded Liu Xia should be free to go to the 39, foreigner for medical treatment.According to the spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lu Hao was asked Liu Xia "Liu Xia is a Chinese citizen, of course, he enjoys freedom according to law." 19659002] Senior Security Official of Chinese President Xi Jinpi Ng visited Li Xia in February and pbaded on his nationality in March. "Both sessions (NPC and CPPCC) will be free." Another source pointed out that some Chinese top leaders have suggested letting Liu Xia go and that his younger brother Liu Hui stayed at home.

Although later the outside world became pessimistic about whether Liu Xia could go abroad, but when German Chancellor Merkel visited China in May, things have made further progress.

On May 25, German Chancellor Merkel met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the press conference, Li Keqiang told the press conference that Liu Xia's relevant questions indicated that the Chinese Constitution clearly respected and protected Human Rights and that she was willing to discuss human rights with Germany.


Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image

On June 1st, the l & # 39; Chinese writer Liao Yiwu exiled announced its dialogue with Liu Xia on 25 May. Liu Xia kept sobbing during the call, she said, "They want me to be here and continue to serve Xiaobo's sentence." "I want to see how cruel they can be, cheeky up to the point. how well, look at this.

Liao Yiwu comforted her and said, "You are only this, not for others, just because of love, you have experienced these …" Liu Xia replied: " The Constitution Should Write Another: Liu Xiaobo's love is a crime, is life imprisonment. "However, Liao Yiwu also revealed that the police promised Liu Xiabo in July after the anniversary birthday, will definitely let go Liu Xia.

"BBC Chinese Network" reported that the good friend of Liu Xia, a film specialist in Beijing, Hao Jian, had eaten with Liu Xia at the beginning of June of this year. Liu Xia is very nervous and anxious because she does not know if she and her brother can leave China.

"She sometimes has a lot of emotions, sometimes she is very happy, then she is suddenly very depressed, and suddenly she cries," says Hao Jian. "Smoking is almost constantly pumping, sometimes a cigarette After pumping a half and pumped half, you will be wiped out, after a while, you will pull another one."

Hao Jian believes that leaving China is a good thing for Liu Xia, but even if she leaves China, she is not completely free. . "She will certainly not say anything about Liu Xiaobo's death," said Hao Jian, "because his brother is still (China), the hostage is still there."

Liu Xia ended on July 10 in Beijing. After the trip from Helsinki to Berlin, Germany, Liu Xia showed a free smile when he was transferred to the Helsinki Airport in Finland. Liu Xia "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAPAAANLZ4f /// yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw == "src-lg =" https://tnl-image1.imgix.net/2018/7/zmvp0wh7rtwlg8tv5d9xqg926t4y5d.jpg?auto=compress % 2Cformat & q = 80 & w = 750 "src-sm =" https://tnl-image2.imgix.net/2018/7/zmvp0wh7rtwlg8tv5d9xqg926t4y5d.jpg?auto=compress%2Cformat&q=80&w=400 "src-org =" https: / /tnl-image3.imgix.net/2018/7/zmvp0wh7rtwlg8tv5d9xqg926t4y5d.jpg?q=80"/>

Photo: Reuters / Dazhi Image

The main reason for Liu Xia to regain his freedom

After the death of Liu Xiaobo, including German Chancellor Merkel, French President Mark Hong, Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs The Foreign Minister, the US Secretary of State and several foreign organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Hong Kong and Hong Kong Association of Independent Chinese Writers have all publicly asked Liu Xia, but foreign media have badyzed and estimated that Liu Xia was the key to regaining freedom. The reason is "the Sino-US trade war". Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Merkel met in Germany on the 9th and the issue focused on economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, jointly protecting free trade and even human rights, and only 10 hours after the end of the talks. The British "BBC" was the first to be exposed, Liu Xia regained her freedom and boarded a flight to Germany. The report points out that Liu Xia's resumption of freedom is likely the result of high-level talks between China and Germany, and that the Chinese side has responded to German demands. "The Voice of Germany" reports that Liao Tianqi, the chairman of the independent Chinese PEN Club, who released Liu Xia and stayed in Germany, think Liu Xia was able to go abroad and that two events played a decisive role. Li Keqiang seems to send Liu Xia as a gift to Germany. "Liu Xia is a piece in the hands of the Chinese government and was thrown in Germany. Europe is showing good, and I hope to join forces against Trump. "

However, Liao Tianqi said that even if human rights became a bargaining chip for political and economic transactions, she was still happy that Liu Xia would be released, but she also hoped that that China would fall a little more.Human rights activists in prison were released.The US Department of Foreign Affairs also announced yesterday that China would "release all prisoners of conscience and abide by the fundamental freedoms and human rights of all peoples. "The US State Department stressed that the White House would continue to be interested in Liu.Xia's younger brother, Liu Hui , hopes to go to Germany to meet Liu Xia

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Editor's note: Yang Zhengxi

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