Why does the EU impose a $ 100 billion penalty for two years? New regulations or promote the revision of Android


(Figure / Toggle of the official YouTube video from Google)

The European Union has previously announced that "due to antitrust regulation of the Android system, it will impose a fine of 4.43 billion euros, a net price of 154.7 billion yuan. For the second year in a row, the EU has imposed a high fine on Google for two consecutive years after Google's advertising also involved antitrust laws and imposed a fine of 2.4 billion euros, either about $ 85.5 billion NT.

In fact, only the 2.4 billion euros of the past year set a record for the EU to impose fines. Previously, 4.34 billion euros were tantamount to penalizing Google with a "specification" record for two years.

As to the reasons for the successive penalties in 2017 and 2018, the EU pointed out that "due to the contract with smart phone manufacturers, Google requires manufacturers equipped with integrated Android systems that they get their Play Store license and allow users to be officially Pipeline application downloads must adhere to a set of related specifications, such as installing various Google native apps on your phone, including Chrome, YouTube, the default Google search engine setting and the establishment of these native apps on the home page of the phone.

Google also prohibits mobile phone companies from selling phones that are not Android systems on certain contracts, and pays major mobile phone manufacturers or carriers to request Google services on the device, violating thus the EU The situation of the trust regulations.

In 2017, the European Union conducted a seven-year investigation, accusing Google of manipulating the results through search engines, and removing other price comparison services online like Google. In addition, since 2006, Google also prohibits its advertisers from accepting advertiser advertising services, even if they were adjusted in 2009, they still limit the type of announcement of competitors.

However, Google CEO Sundar Pichai also sent a response saying that the Android system is the most open system in the world and has generated 1,300 different brands and more than 2,400 different devices. In the price band, Android devices can also meet the needs of different users of high-level low prices. EU fines, in addition to allocating free Google licenses and generating ad revenue from native apps, can also compromise the ecology of the Android system.

Google also said that Android may have to be forced to adjust its operating model in the future. Foreign media speculate that this could prevent Google from selling free Android to sellers and adding more restrictions. Future users may also not be able to use certain Google services, such as the Google Assistant, on their Android phones. But in contrast, this move is also likely to give more opportunities to third-party developers.

Google has filed a lawsuit against the European Union for an appeal.

Some netizens believe that the Android native Android mobile phone application can be removed because it can be deleted.In addition, after several years of Android system development, the Google application and service are already indispensable products for European users. Forcing restrictions is harmful. Some netizens joked that Windows Phone should return to Europe.

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