Why does Uranus squat around the sun? New simulations: violent collision with the planet of origin


Uranus, the seventh planet in the solar system, is really strange, and one of its peculiarities is that its axis of rotation is tilted at 97.77275 °, which seems to be the sun's turn. Scientists have recently released the results of the latest simulations, claiming that Uranus was violently struck by a protoplanet 4 billion years ago and has formed the mysteries of today.

When it gets closer to the point, a pole will continue to point to the sun, retaining a long life of 42 years, and the other pole will be back in the sun, now a 42-year-old night, only one area close to the equator The lowest temperature of the tropopause of Uranus is only 49K (-224 ° C), the lowest planet in the solar system, and is even more cold than the eighth planet Neptune. .

Moreover, the axis of rotation of most planets of the solar system is tilted in the direction of the sun, only the axis of rotation of Uranus is located on the plane of the 39, ecliptic with an inclination angle of 97.77275 °. Roll like a ball in an airplane.

Uranus, like Saturn, has its own planetary ring, and even recently, studies have used spectral badysis to confirm that Uranus smells like rotten eggs.

So many mysterious features have made astronomers curious: Recently, the team led by the University of Durham UK raised the question of why the rotation axis of Uranus is strongly inclined.

▲ Comparison of the inclination of the Earth, Uranus and Venus. (Source: By Tfr000 (Discussion) 13:49, April 2, 2012 (UTC) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL] from Wikimedia Commons)

The team simulated more than 50 different scenarios with a high-performance supercomputer for determine which is the most Can explain the current immersion of Uranus and the frozen environment, reshaping the evolution of the planet. According to the results of the simulation, probably about 4 billion years ago, the first floor of the solar system, Uranus, was hit by a protoplanet, which is about twice as mbadive as the Earth, with two or more three catastrophic collisions.

This model subtly explains all the mysteries of Uranus: first, a protoplanet with twice the mbad of the Earth, the force of impact is sufficient to incline Uranus, but not enough to stripping the atmosphere of Uranus; Ring formation and internal satellites, simulations show that the collision can throw rocks and ice into orbit around Uranus, and then aggregate to form internal satellites of Uranus, and can change the rotation of other satellites that have orbited Uranus.

Third, to solve the origin of the extremely low temperature of the Uranus atmosphere, the impact debris can form a thin layer near the planetary ice layer, preventing the heat inside Uranus to be transmitted to the upper atmosphere. And the deposit of rock, affecting the characteristics of the magnetic field, makes that Ouranus now inclines the axis of the field of 59 ° with respect to the axis of rotation.

Many exoplanets look like Uranus, and the new model will help to understand how other planets evolve and their chemical composition. The new study is published in the journal Astrophysics.

(Source: NASA)

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