[Wonderful recommendation] Insiders: Xi Jinping is inspired by the consequences of the trade war | NTDTV


[New Dynastie Tang heure de Beijing, Juillet 4, 2018] NTDTV has daily recommended wonderful articles and video programs for readers:


Insiders: Xi accepts that people make war in the United States, the consequences of war are unimaginable
There are American media quoted by the people in the circle of Beijing, the factions that practice and the conservative conservatives The faction strongly advocates nationalist sentiments and encourages Xi Jinping to fight the United States. The pragmatists who know the economic situation think that once the trade war started, the impact on the Chinese economy will be unimaginable.

The first blow of the Sino-US trade war The chief of the Beijing police bell
The Sino-US trade war began on the 6th. China will experience a very long period difficult: economic growth is under pressure, exports are under pressure, stock markets and foreign exchange markets are also under pressure … "

Hong Kong: Xi Jinping's attitude changes Some media have revealed that the attitude of Xi Jinping with regard to the Sino-US trade war had changed and that he did not want to "reciprocate", but repeatedly said that he had to pay attention to the trade war.

Mao Memorial Hall application? Knowing the stuffy feng shui shaw you will be scared
Earlier, a feng shui master revealed the Mao Memorial Hall in Tiananmen Square , and you know that the truth f you

Why did the CCP not fight the first blow of the trade war? US media believe that if the CCP's "preemptive strikes" are risky, it will be more difficult for both parties to resume negotiations and it will be detrimental to China and the United States to develop their attitudes and ideas towards the situation. On the eve of the official opening of the Sino-US trade war on July 6, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Hao said on the 5th that China does not want to fight the trade. .

The failure of the Chinese aircraft carrier to expose the scandal can not be improved
Recently, the Japanese media revealed that because of frequent accidents involving the CCP's ship fighters from Liaoning, the pilots were dead and could not be deployed. On the aircraft carrier.

The pleadings of Mao Memorial Hall were broken by the "Jingguo Temple"
Beijing announced that it would include 14 "heritage sites" on the central axis of Beijing on the list the applicant's badets, including Mao Zedong. The memorial hall set off a boiling network.

The CCP's yin to face the trade war of all rotten American cherries
The CCP began making a sinister move before that. An American company is complaining that the CPC's customs recently extended the review period for US agricultural products, resulting in the decay of all cherries exported to China.

Research: Nearly half of wealthy Chinese immigrate to the United States
A new study shows that nearly half of the wealthy Chinese are planning to immigrate to the United States. Internet users are even more ridiculed than the children of Chinese Communist Party officials are also in the United States. The deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University recently wrote an article suggesting to revive the movement to go to the countryside to solve the problem of employment of Chinese students of the mainland. Sniper.

French police say that Wang Jian is sad
French police responsible for investigating the death of Wang Jian, in an interview with French Radio International (RFI), said that Wang Jian "There are six people, only his colleagues and a guide, according to our understanding, there is no family member."

"Do you have a birthday or a birthday party?" The current village of Xishan
Jianshan District, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, China On the 1st day, members of the village used public funds to eat and drink.They were arrested by the two villagers and shouted: "Is it a birthday?" Money ruined you. "

[China Forbidden News] July 5 full version

(Editor: Ark)

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