World Life: China's economic policy turns (Li Yi) – Li Yi | Apple Daily | Hong Kong News


The G20 summit will be held tomorrow in Argentina and the public will pay more attention to the talks between Xi Jinping and Trump on the trade war: is it possible to reach a truce agreement? Trump recently said that the truce was "almost impossible" and felt that the tariff increase plan for China's exports to the United States "will continue to be implemented."

China's ambbadador to the United States, Cui Tiankai, stressed that China and the United States needed enough goodwill and good faith to promote economic and trade consultations. If the conflict continues, the integrated global market may collapse.

It seems that the Chinese side wants to reach an agreement more than the United States. The American side also saw this and therefore continued to negotiate.

A few days ago, an article appeared on the main webpage:

"According to insiders from the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission recently held three emergency meetings to host the" Study Conference "in the last part of this month.The conference has four main topics: one on the consequences of the "belt and the road", "Made in China 2025" ceased, government subsidies and follow-up work; , how to follow up the new district of Xiong & # 39; an; fourth, in order to cope with the economic downturn, in addition to some key military projects, a number of key national investment projects will be fully reduced National Finance are working well and these meetings focus on the eight-character policy of "shrinking the front line and ensuring stability".

"The source also revealed that up to now, the state had invested a total of 26,500 billion yuan in the project" One Belt, One Road ", which does not include the project. Exemption from the Chinese Government on loans and donations from previous leaders Until now, Belt and Road projects Among the signatory countries of the initial agreement, 27 have indicated that they would abandon cooperation with China, which would cause the failure of nearly half of the investment projects. "

Three of the four problems are related to "monitoring" and another is a turning point, indicating that economic policies a few months ago were exaggerated and awkward, with bad consequences. It is now urgent to gather. The four questions also respond to US requests: the most relevant laws "One Belt, One Road" and "Made in China 2025" are all stopped, the national advance also returning with a turnaround, which compresses public investment projects, which implies opening up markets. According to the list of the 142 requests for response filed with the United States not long ago, the peace of mind of China is difficult to perceive.

Two months ago, the Chinese media also made the voice of the country and the people heard, and the financial community said that "China's private economy has fulfilled its mission and should gradually exit the market." Thus the entrepreneurs, the rich and the dead, the customs, the flight The flight of the country, the withdrawal of the retirement, the private companies of the continent have a lot of trouble. A lawyer specializing in a lawsuit against a private company said: "Private entrepreneurs go to jail." In many cases, crime is "not necessary" and constitutes the official plunder of the wealth of private companies.

Now, the CCP has suddenly increased its support to private companies, which have been striving to help private companies revive the economy. The China Banking Regulatory Commission has asked banks to lighten their borrowing from private enterprises, with large banks accounting for less than one-third of new loans to private enterprises and two-thirds of small and medium-sized ones. average banks. The proportion of business loans is not less than 50%. Many entrepreneurs who are inexplicably arrested and sentenced to imprisonment, as well as contractors still in detention, are lining up to request a re-examination of the case.

Cui Tiankai said in an interview: "Competition in the Chinese market is fierce, mainly determined by economic laws rather than by politics." He thought the world would believe that China is not politically driven? Do you think that encouraging private companies in the valley and squeezing public investments will meet US requirements in a market economy?

As everyone knows, this policy of withdrawal of private companies, like the abolition of private companies, is a manipulation of the market by an authoritarian policy. Difficult to increase support for loans to private enterprises, it is likely that the number of non-performing loans of the bank will increase and the quality of the badets of the future bank will be threatened.

Speaking of the free market and the free economy with the buttocks of the authoritarian regime, there is no doubt that the cow plays the piano. In the Sino-US negotiations, the words spoken by both parties are difficult to respect. Trump said the truce is "almost impossible" and feels that it is based on the US experience.


Li Yi

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