Xi Jinping and Bo Yi meet former Taiwan Vice President Xie Taishang contributes to reform – Voice of America Chinese (VOA)

Xi Jinping Bo saw the contribution of Taiwan's former vice president, Xie Taishang, to the Voice of America Chinese Network (VOA) reform

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday (October 10th) met with Taiwanese Vice President Xiao Wanchang and other Taiwanese businessmen. Some badysts believe that there is an increased willingness of Xi Jinping for the release of Taiwan and increased confidence in the future development of relations between the two shores. Chinese President Xi Jinping met Tuesday (10) Taiwanese Vice President Xiao Wanchang and other Taiwanese businessmen to thank Taiwanese businessmen for their contributions to the reform and to the Opening up of China, pointing out that the outlook was to be optimistic. Xiao Wanchang told Xi Jinping that he hoped that China would introduce the rules of application of 31 measures against Taiwan as soon as possible and that she would apply them. Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Taiwanese business representatives led by Xiao Wanchang, former vice president of Taiwan and honorary chairman of the Common Straits Common Market Foundation, before the keynote speech delivered during the meeting. the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia on the morning of the 10th. When Xi Jinping shook hands with Xiao Wanchang, he said, "Do not come innocent." Xi Jinping also specifically mentioned the exchanges he had had with Taiwanese businessmen when he was secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee in 1991 or 1992. He gestured to TPV group chairman, Xuan Jiansheng, to be serviced for one night. Xi Jinping said that this year marked the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening. Many compatriots from Taiwan came to the mainland early in the reform and opening. "Friends on both sides of the strait are those on both sides of the strait and the mainstream of peace and development in the strait remains unchanged." Xi Jinping said, "The prospects on both sides of the strait must be very bright. Even though storms and winds have suffered, do not worry, "he said, when Xiao Wanchang explained the content of" Xiao Xiaohui "to the media later on the 10th, he said he told Xi Jinping that he hoped that China would introduce the rules of implementation of the 31 measures against Taiwan as soon as possible and would apply them. Xiao Wanchang said that Xi Jinping's hope for him …

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