Xi Jinping arrives in Mauritania for transit and visits – Newsletter website hkej.com


President Xi Jinping arrived in Mauritius for transit and paid a visit there.

The special plane that Xi Jinping took to arrive at Ramgoolam International Airport in the evening, and Mauritian Prime Minister Jagannath was present at the meeting. Xi Jinping said that upon his arrival, he felt the deep friendship between the Mauritian government and the Chinese people and the friendly relations between China and Mauritius, and wished to exchange with Jagannath on Chinese relations. Malaysia and common international and regional problems. Jagnat said that he was looking forward to meeting with Xi Jinping tomorrow.

Xi Jinping visited South Africa and attended the BRICS Summit. Prior to his departure, he called on emerging economies and developing countries to strengthen their cooperation with the BRICS and to address common challenges.

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