Xi Jinping mentions four defenders to promote the new decade of gold


Building the New BRICS Partnership of Industrial Revolution

Xi Jinping Mentioned the Promotion of the New Golden Decade

[Hong Kong Commercial News] Local Time on the 26th, BRICS leaders gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa South Held Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech entitled "Make a beautiful vision a reality", revealing the outstanding characteristics of the new industrial revolution and proposing an initiative for the future development of the BRICS, stressing that the BRICS countries should work together to promote a lasting peace. A world of universal security, common prosperity, openness, tolerance and cleanliness.

South African President Ramafusa chaired the tenth meeting of BRICS leaders. Chinese President Xi Jinping, Brazilian President Temer, Russian President Putin and Indian Prime Minister Modi were present. The leaders of the five countries exchanged views on BRICS cooperation in Africa and on major international issues of common interest on the theme of "BRIC countries in Africa: undermining growth and common prosperity in Africa". fourth industrial revolution ". In his speech, Xi Jinping pointed out that the subversive technological innovations of the three industrial revolutions since the 18th century have brought about a great liberation of social productive forces and a big jump in living standards, which have fundamentally changed the trajectory of the economy. human history. Today, we are experiencing a broader and deeper technological revolution and an industrial transformation. New technologies, new formats and new industries are emerging one after the other: the interests and destinies of all countries are intertwined and deeply intertwined. At the same time, the deep, structural and geopolitical conflicts of the global economy, protectionism and unilateralism directly affect the external environment for the development of emerging countries and developing countries.

Continuing to brand the banner of multilateralism

Xi Jinping stressed that the BRICS countries should seize the historical trend, deepen the strategic partnership, consolidate the structure of cooperation "three-wheel drive" and achieve the second vision "Golden Decade ". .

First, unleash the enormous potential of economic cooperation. We must strengthen cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, finance, interconnection and other areas to make the cake of cooperation more important and stronger. We will firmly defend the rules-based multilateral trading system, promote liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, and clearly oppose protectionism. Adhere to innovation and drive, through the construction of BRICS new industrial revolution partnership, to strengthen the coordination of macroeconomic policies, to deepen the development strategy and improve the competitiveness of the BRICS countries and emerging and developing countries.

Second, firmly maintain international peace and security. We urge all parties to respect fundamental norms of international law and international relations, to resolve disputes through dialogue, to negotiate differences and to build a new international framework of mutual respect, equity, justice and accountability. win-win cooperation. Relation

Thirdly, to deepen the development of exchanges and cooperation in the human sciences. We must continue to target the people's community, intensify cultural exchanges in various fields, and constantly improve mutual understanding and traditional friendship among the five peoples, and build a solid foundation for BRICS cooperation.

Fourth, build a close partnership network. We need to expand "BRIC +" cooperation within the framework of the United Nations and the G20, expand the common interests and development space of emerging countries and developing countries, and promote the creation of broad-based partnerships to contribute to peace and development.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the future of the BRICS is in the hands of the five peoples themselves. Let us work with the international community to build a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, tolerance and cleanliness.

BRICS leaders urged to maintain multilateralism

The leaders of the other four countries stressed that in the face of current global unilateralism and protectionism, the BRICS must strengthen cooperation, maintain order multilateral and promote freedom. Trade promotes the development of globalization towards universal glory.

The meeting gave a clear signal on safeguarding multilateralism and against protectionism, decided to launch the new BRICS partnership and deepened the areas of the economy, trade, finance, political security and human exchanges. Cooperation After the meeting, the leaders of the five countries attended the signing of a number of cooperation documents and watched the live image of the human cradle website through video links and then printed the handprints.

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