Xi Jinping's visit to "discrete" anti-study forces to withdraw? | Beidaihe | Coup of State


[Dynastie Tang de New York, 21 juillet 2018] The situation in Zhongnanhai was very different last week: the loss of Xi Jinping was booming and Xi Jinping, who was visiting the Middle East and Africa, again attracted attention. Foreign media found that Xi's visit was clearly "unobtrusive" and that the frequency of media reports was abnormally low. Some Taiwanese media believe that it is the anti-reformist CCP forces in the party.

Xi Jinping visited the United Arab Emirates, Senegal, Luanda and South Africa from July 19 to 24 and participated in the 10th meeting of BRICS leaders in Johannesburg, South Africa, of 25 as of July 27; Muse and access it. This is Xi Jinping's first visit abroad since he was re-elected President of the State Council and Chairman of the National Military Commission in March, but this visit does not take place. Was carried out only in the books of Xi Jinping and in the first two days of the visit. The first page did not mention this word, breaking the previous practice.

Prior to Xi Jinping's visit, the People's Daily title of 9, 12, and 15 September was not published in Xi Jinping's activities. On the 17th, the first page of the People's Daily featured a large-scale report on Xi Jinping's participation in various events, but the title on the first page of Xi'an, on the 18th, disappeared again.

The party newspaper reports the unusual changes of Xi Jinping over a week and "stuns" the badysis of Chinese political figures.At the same time, the portrait of Xi Jinping is successively removed, "l & # 39; Liangjiahe University asked "is arrested, Hua Guofeng Apologies from the old text, the black of CCTV and other events have deepened speculation that the coup of Beijing and Xi Jinping have lost their power. On July 21, the Taiwan Media Youth Daily reported that it was too early to say that Xi Jinping's loss was precarious and that the CCP's anti-reformist forces were demanding the power of the current party and the parties. Xi Jinping government forces. Send him back, so that you can only create the impression that "there is no country to function as usual" through the small media manipulation means.

reports that Xi Jinping has been in power for nearly six years.By the party's media propaganda, Xi Jinping's personal worship has been given to the outside world.The impression of "Left and Advanced" has caused the dissatisfaction with certain forces within the party. The dissatisfaction of the party in the party put pressure on the preparations.

The report also estimates that it is unlikely that Xi Jinping soothes the news of his own party in order to appease the party veteran, as this will encourage the emergence of forces hostile.

Free Asia Radio reported that Zhongnanhai's senior officials changed their practices because of pressure from public opinion abroad: except Xi Jinping who attended important occasions and pronounced important speeches, the general activities of the party are no longer reports.

But this scholar said that this does not mean that Xi Jinping's status in the Communist Party has been shaken and that Xi Jinping's status is "very stable".

For a series of negative rumors about Xi Jinping, the CCP's top leaders once again expressed their position in the public mind, resolutely listening to Jinping's command, resolutely rejecting the central position and guaranteeing that 39, central government authority to "fix and settle". According to an external badysis, it is the "battle to the bottom" of the Chinese authorities against the opposition forces, and it is necessary to ensure that the heart of the practice is " a hammer". At the same time, Xi Jinshan, Xi Jinping's political ally, also appears on the front page of the People's Daily for two consecutive days: in the rumors of the "Beijing coup", Xi Jinping, Liu He, also appeared in the Xinhua agency. In the report, Wang Huning, who was plunged into the "abdication" rumors of the Beijing coup, was still "invisible" in the official media.

Chen Broken commented that Wang Huning, who is in charge of the Zhongxuan system, has often appeared after entering the country, but it has been unusual to report it without public appearances recently. He believes that the latest trend of Zhongnanhai could be directed against the action of "Qingjun" Wang Huning, Huning Wang should repeat the political tragedy of Chen Boda and Yao Wenyuan.

However, it is also badyzed that although the propaganda system is too hot, but his management of Wang Huning, his power may be weakened, and it is unlikely that he will immediately withdraw. Unless there is evidence that he is deliberately advanced black, secretly practices.

(Reporter Li Yun Report / Publisher: Ark)

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