Yan Hao – Our Body is Never Democratic – Qing Bao – Hong Kong News – News


(Continued last week) The Thai football team was discovered nine days and nights in a dark and dark cave. There is no darkness in the sky, no light, no exit, no relief, no food, no horror to death, enough conditions to turn on. animal instinct, cause hysteria, even suicide and homicide When people discovered it, everyone was so calm! Their coach-coach was once a Buddhist monk who helped them start up high-end brain cells at a critical time, surpbading animal instincts and saving their lives.

This group of people facing the summit did not start the "play or run" mechanism in their brains, and meditation began their other rescue mechanism. There is no scientific evidence to prove that ancient humans had high-level wisdom guided by spiritual or spiritual beliefs, so one can only infer that the ancestors lived in a relatively stable environment under a tribal form for a very long time. After security and the most basic food and clothing have been guaranteed, the evolution continues. The liver can be in this environment, and it took 300,000 years to become the liver of our body. There is no feast in this ancient environment, no junk food, no boudoir, no mansion, no desire for survival and food and clothing, so in addition to the heat of the liver induced by the food, few people can suffer from depression.

"But we can not live like animals, we are great humans, have great ambitions and great ideals!" These slogans are completely politically correct, this is called a career, but when a person's life is better than being trapped in darkness How do you spend minutes and seconds in the cave? from light? The first that accompanies you is liver depression, you are irritable, restless, heartbeat, unable to sleep normally, itchy skin, a feeling of needle sticking from time to time, digestion problems and Excretion and a relationship with your family. When the pressure reaches 130 or higher, you start to become inconsistent, unable to concentrate, short-term memory disappears, hallucinations and all signs of cerebral degeneration begin to appear. According to research data published in the European Heart Journal "European Heart Journal", 130 high pressure readings have shown that you have a brain degeneration crisis! (See the article "Disquieting figures of cerebral degeneration" in the column of July 3.

Regardless of your condition, you still have the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys left behind. your ancestors There is no anti-genetic thought, our body is never democratic (unfinished)

(This column is published every Monday through Wednesday)

Yan Hao
Director, best-selling author, health expert Facebook page: Yan Hao life

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