Yang Ning: The Chinese are asking for help to Trump, Zhongnanhai is good, fake vaccine, NTDTV


Nobody denies that the most troubling topic of the continent is the "fake vaccine" because it is another major incident involving young children after the poisoned milk powder, the red, yellow and blue children. It can be said that the incident of the fake vaccine exposed by Changchun Changsheng Company once again refreshed the perception of the Chinese people on the Chinese government: even the "flowers of the homeland" that they recognized are so bold!

As always, the authorities have adopted the practice of abolishing positions and closing public accounts because of people's dissatisfaction with complaints, accusations and comments posted on the Internet . The seal hunt has become the most direct and easiest way for the CCP to cope with various crises. However, the authorities did not expect many angry Chinese Internet users to comment on the official Weibo of the US Embbady in China:

"Is the vaccination of children in China unskilled, is it a violation of human rights? "

How does US law impose a penalty for making fake vaccines? "

" Invites the United States to intervene in the vaccination of human beings. "

" Do you fight the Bachar regime for Syrian children? Poisoned Chinese children close their eyes – Where is the Tomahawk (missile)? "

" Thank you for asking the President to save the Chinese children! "

" Thanks to the USA in the world! "" When are you coming? "

" Only the United States can save us !! I beg you !! "

" The United States, you can not die if you die. "

" Please increase "Please, ban officials Chinese, party members and family members to enter the country. "

"Is there a high-ranking shareholder of the longevity creature – is it protected by the US government?"


A user has ridiculed that the official Weibo of the US Embbady is the only one in China that has been reported over and over but has not been won. Bo counts.

Clearly, the message of Chinese netizens on the Weibo of the US Embbady made Zhongnanhai's officials extremely embarrbaded. Although senior officials have given strict instructions, according to past events, under the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, there are not many Chinese who believe that the past immunization history with false history will be verified.Not much Chinese believe that it will not happen. Because the victims of the contaminated milk powder were arrested and killed accidentally, the relevant officials were promoted, after the red, yellow and blue children's gardens caught the "little fish", the backstage and the big boss of badual badault were always happy … false, venomous The proliferation of food and commodities has long left the credibility of the Chinese government. Under pressure from the authorities, the Chinese who have nowhere to let off steam and are forced to go anywhere can only ask the United States and ask Trump. Because the Chinese saw it, Trump was a national leader who really considered the interests of the Americans, he was the president who was really expecting to bring back the United States to the tradition and to defend the rights of man.His recent pressure on the CCP's limits and his hands have mastered it is the CCP's most fearful. Therefore, the Chinese people's request for advice is not without purpose, and the Chinese voice should also be conveyed to the White House through the US Embbady.

And this is not the first time that the Chinese are asking for help from the United States and Trump. During the Chinese New Year in February this year, the US Embbady Weibo put online a New Year movie. I do not think the message below has become a platform for Chinese investors to express their feelings. The message includes: "The Securities Regulatory Commission of China forbids hundreds of millions of investors to protest, we can only say anger and firmly demand that Liu Shiyu resign." "Pu Grandpa will come to liberate us, we will take the road and we will eliminate it." "The big genius", "the heavenly genius is a genius for the non-being, so mean." "Old America has us incorporated, the stock market has collapsed, we have not got any money. Money for the New Year. The officials are forced to oppose the people. Under the many posts of Weibo, there is a message from the netizens: "I hope that the US government asks the Chinese government why the Chinese people wants to complain to the US government …" "This account has become the petition center of the Chinese people. " "".

I do not know how high officials of Zhongnanhai saw the feelings of their nationals for the help of Americans, but there is no doubt that they lost their face in the world, and he it is conceivable that the Americans see the voice of the Chinese. It must deepen the understanding of the Chinese communist regime, and this may even strengthen the US Trump administration's desire to exert pressure on the Chinese communist regime.

I can not help but think of a CCTV report that I've seen before. After the overthrow of Saddam, when reporters were questioned in the streets of Iraq, almost no one missed the era of Saddam. Many Iraqis are very grateful to those who helped them to overthrow Saddam: the United States. It may even push people who criticize the "disaster" of Iraqis to suspect that they "let themselves be abused".

What surprised the people was the big changes in Iraq. At the end of July 2016, NetEase, the continental portal, gave its real GDP growth rate before and after the war in its column "reading figures".

According to GDP figures listed from 1991 to 2015, the Iraqi economy has been growing steadily since 2004. According to World Bank statistics, although Iraq's GDP dropped by 33% in 2003, the economic recovery in 2004 exceeded the level of 2002. Just that in 2004, the number of registered enterprises exceeded 11,000. In 2013, Iraq's real GDP 87% more than before the war . If the price factor is deducted, gross national income (GNI) per capita is calculated on the current US dollar. In 2013, per capita gross national income in Iraq was US $ 6,800, about 1.8 times the 1989 level.

In July 2013, CCTV also hailed the rapid economic development of Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam's regime. CCTV Financial Channel reported that since the end of the war in Iraq in 2003, the Iraqi economy has made great progress: in 2013, Iraq's GDP has increased eight-fold compared to that of Before the war! Per capita income has also increased significantly.

These are just some of the growth figures that surprised the "poisoned" Chinese. Netease "Digital Reading" also revealed that sanitary conditions in Iraq are gradually improving. For example, as the total population grew from 24.94 million in 2002 to 36.42 million in 2015, the proportion of people who also improved water sources and improved sanitation facilities has also increased. Another important measure of child mortality also continues to decline: for example, the death rate per 1,000 live births increased from 34.6 in 2002 to 26.5 in 2015, and under-five mortality has declined.

In addition to data on public health care, health expenditures in Iraq accounted for 5.5% of GDP in 2014, just over 4.7% of countries such as India and India. Saudi Arabia. Among them, public health expenditure accounts for 60% of total medical expenditure and in 2011, it exceeds 75%, which is equivalent to Saudi Arabia.

Huge changes in Iraq have undoubtedly enabled the Chinese to see the astonishing changes that China will probably take after the CCP dictatorship. Therefore, while the Chinese are asking the help of Americans, they must also completely abandon the CCP's heart and actions and contribute to their bright future.

– Transferred from "The Epoch Times" This article represents only the opinions and statements of the author.

(Publisher: Liu Mingxiang)

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