Zheng Jiaying 8.12 Met 娶 陈凯琳 | Metropolitan Daily


The wedding news of Chen Kailin and Zheng Jiaying have been spreading for several days, the latest news of yesterday that both will take place in Bali on August 12th! For the life of his daughter, Chen's father, once again sued, began to relax and laughed saying, "It's a matter of time." It seems that the rumors of marriage have become ten out of ten!

Chen Kailin, 27, and Zheng Jiaying, 48, have been hanging around for three years and have sent a wedding message several times, but they only heard the steps sound until last Saturday. . Next month, a small wedding will be held in Yuli, and only 10 relatives will be invited to testify. Although they have long denied that there is "filling", they did not respond positively to the marriage: they only said, "There is news to announce them again." The circle's friends also "sealed" to avoid the talks.
Until yesterday, the latest news indicated that the wedding date of "Ying Lin" was set for August 12 and that relatives and friends would leave on August 10. It is reported that on August 15, he entered the Jia Ying 49 years, and plans to stay with Grace to celebrate in the region, seriously romantic and warm! As for Grace's parents who were interviewed by the media the day before, they always said that they had no knowledge of the marriage, but Chen Dad was questioned about the life affairs of Grace yesterday and finally said, "I will continue to do it soon." Details In addition, there is a biography of Jiaying bought a value of 23 million Ho Man Tin luxury home nest built.

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