Zhengsheng College male students are involved in the same classmates.The victim: the expression is felt raped (15:51) – 20180711 – Hong Kong News – Instant News


The 16-year-old boy from Zhengsheng Middle School was involved in school twice, he was a 17-year-old student with a nipple for more than ten seconds and used the index for " irregularly touch "the nipple. The student was charged with indecent badault and the case was opened today. The victim stated that the expression of the accused was so embarrbading that he was very upset and felt very uncomfortable and felt violated.

The victim made a confession After being showered on March 24 the previous year at 5 pm, he wet his clothes, he was wearing only underwear and put himself on naked until the kitchen nearby to wait for the students. Hu, aged 16, was accused of having entered the kitchen, he used his index finger and thumb to "snap" the two nipples, he used the index "as a circle" and has irregularly touched her nipple for more than ten seconds. The victim said that when he reacted, he immediately pushed the defendant and asked "you do it".

The victim continued, after driving away the defendant, but the accused looked at his nipple and, once again, stepped forward and used his hand to "snap" and touch his nipple for longer. ten seconds and repulsed the defendant. Continue these actions and he will call for help. Later, another clbadmate walked through the kitchen and saw both people say, "To play with the bustle, go to the shower room." The victim left the kitchen and informed the teacher of the incident.

As part of the defense's interrogation, the victim stated that he was not friends with the accused, but he rarely spoke during the week, but many of his comrades were shot or photographed by the accused at the time. the joke. After the complaint, the teacher only called the defendant "I'm good at playing again", but the defendant continued.

The victim stated that the accused had also photographed his lower body before the incident.He did not think that the accused was joking, but the teacher was joking like a joke : "I play as a channel." He pointed out that the accused was not joking at the time of the incident. "The atmosphere of playing with the feelings is the same." He believes that the & rsquo; Accused is interested in indecent badault.

The defense pointed out that at that time, the defendant had only joked "to tease" the victim and her nipples: the victim opened the defendant's hand and said, "It was a good job." In the space of 10 seconds, there was no "squatting" or to touch the main nipple, the victim did not say he wanted to report to the police, the victim accepted and accepted the act of the accused.

Hearing in the l 39; ; Aftern

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