ZTE: mobilizing all resources to catch up – Newsletter website hkej.com


The US Department of Commerce officially lifted ZTE's ban on sales (00763), and ZTE began sending "Partner Letters" to its partners and suppliers.

Sina Technology reported that early this morning, ZTE began sending "Partner Letters" to its partners and suppliers, saying that because of the ban, ZTE will mobilize all resources to catch up progress.

The letter indicated that ZTE would fully resume cooperation activities suspended or stranded during the ban, the priorities of the project would be determined and a detailed plan would be developed to promote implementation, for cooperative activities that are postponed due to ban, All resources mobilized to catch up, cooperation activities with partners and partners, including technical exchanges, product testing and market development, will be actively involved .

ZTE stated that it would continue to fully comply with export control and would continue to implement its export control compliance program to effectively protect the interests of both parties. ZTE is working hard to become a leader in compliance not only in China but in the global industry.

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