Hopper, P.I. is the only derivative that we need


Photo: Netflix

David Harbor's Hopper Chef has reached his final form in Strange things 3, in which he gloriously evolved to become the ultimate crossroads of Papa / Papa. such a dad, but you also want to call him dad? Many confusing feelings out there, a bit like watching Michael Stuhlbarg in Call me by your nameor Kyle Chandler in … no matter what. Among the many scenes of daddy Hopper in Strange things 3, there is one that is Peak Dad: Hopper looks Magnum, P.I. Of course he's watching Magnum, P.I.The guy is also making waves, thinks that a Hawaiian shirt with jeans and a blazer is all the rage, and shouts at his daughter's boyfriend. And it's to say nothing of his mustache. Anyway, he was not the only Papa Hopper lover this season, as evidenced by this perfect mix created by Twitter user Eddie Spughetti. Friends and neighbors, please enjoy the hell of Hopper, P.I.:

It's literally the only one necessary Strange things spin off. This is a pure and unadorned material of the chef – the VHS style "Joyce Byers as Wheelbarrow", all this sweet and gentle aggro-mustache action. Screw Strange things 4. Does anyone really care about Will or what's going on with Mike and Eleven next season? Not as much as we care about Hopper and the confusing feelings that he inspires. Give us Hopper, P.I.you cowardly.


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