House Democrats have fully deserved and deserve the trolling of Corey Lewandowski


VSOrey Lewandowski is a thug and a jerk. A married man, he allegedly had an affair with another member of the Trump campaign staff, whom he later treated as junk. He completely broke out of the campaign after forcibly seizing a reporter, which resulted in a simple charge of the battery. Lewandowski fell under the control of special advocate Robert Mueller, who eventually refused to prosecute him or have another Trump campaigner prosecuted with obstruction of justice.

Naturally, Democrats in the House have summoned this clown for their first testimony of their de facto indictment proceedings against President Trump. The results were exactly what you expected.

Barely an hour after the beginning of Lewandowski's interrogation by the House Judiciary Committee, the Left is very furious online. Why? Because a sycophant fool behaves like a sycophant fool to whom they should have expected when they asked him to come and testify.

No offense, but what were you waiting for? It's as if the Democrats in the House had asked Mueller to speak when he absolutely did not want to testify. Except that this time, instead of bringing in someone who was reluctant and who had nothing to say that could benefit their cause, they embodied the heartbreaking incarnation of white mediocrity and male who is currently trying to win Trump's favors for a Senate run in New Hampshire. If you were stupid enough to believe that it would be nothing less than Lewandowski's brazen show for Trump, you deserve to be publicly humiliated by his completely unsurprising behavior.

The House Democrats are still denying 2016 and at this rate, they will do it again in 2040. Even then, they will still not learn not to invite the Trump Trolls to beat you on your own. Game.


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