House Dems maintains income threshold at $ 75,000 for checks


  • House Democrats released a stimulus bill on Monday night.
  • He has maintained the stimulus control thresholds proposed in Biden’s bailout, a rejection of a push by some Democrats to restrict who can gain full control.
  • Democrats in the House are rushing to put the Biden stimulus package to a floor vote by the end of the month.
  • Visit Insider’s Business section for more stories.

House Democrats released a stimulus package to keep the income limit for stimulus checks at $ 75,000 for individual taxpayers and $ 150,000 for couples, rejecting an attempt by some Senate Democrats to limit strongly people who can receive direct payment.

Representative Richard Neal of Massachusetts, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, introduced the proposal ahead of the committee’s scheduled business. It could still undergo changes as committees begin to turn the Biden bailout into legislation over the next two weeks.

“Our nation is in trouble, the virus is still not under control, and the American people are counting on Congress to face this moment with bold and immediate action,” Neal said in a statement.

The proposal would distribute payments to individual taxpayers earning $ 75,000 and less, as well as couples earning $ 150,000 or less – the same parameters in President Joe Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion relief package.

However, the legislation increases the rate at which payments decline. Single filers earning $ 100,000 per year and co-filers $ 200,000 would no longer be eligible to receive federal funds.

The initial momentum appears to be building behind Democrats insisting on maintaining existing income thresholds for the checks Biden presented in his economic aid package. Some centrists like Senator Joe Manchin are in favor of tightening check eligibility to ensure that richer people who haven’t suffered job losses cannot get one.

But it met with resistance from many Democrats, including Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon. Georgia’s Senator Raphael Warnock became the latest Democratic senator to oppose check cuts in an interview with Insider.

“I think people making $ 75,000 in Georgia are struggling in a lot of cases,” he said on Monday, adding that he was committed to “getting help from as many people as possible. “.

The Biden plan includes checks for $ 1,400, federal unemployment benefits of $ 400, aid to state and local governments, a strengthened child tax credit and vaccine distribution funds, among other provisions. The White House has said it is open to negotiating the control thresholds, but they have yet to settle them.

“There is a discussion right now about what that threshold will look like,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Monday. “A conclusion has not been finalized.”

A group of Senate Republicans also supported limiting check income thresholds, a move that could exclude at least 29 million families eligible for a check under the Biden plan.

Wyden said in a statement he would push for improved six-month unemployment insurance after the House Democratic plan cut a month of jobless benefits.

“Relief checks and unemployment benefits are the most tangible parts of the economic relief plan for those struggling to make ends meet,” he said.

Democrats are setting a quick timeline to move through coronavirus relief using the reconciliation process. It is a maneuver allowing a bill to empty the Senate with only 51 votes instead of the 60 generally required.

In a rama vote in the Senate last week, Democrats and Republicans approved a non-binding amendment banning stimulus checks from wealthy families. The non-binding amendment introduced by Senator Susan Collins of Maine and Manchin did not specify an income amount.

Democrat-led committees will begin drafting legislation for the Biden plan in the next two weeks, aiming for a floor vote sometime in the week of February 22. Then the bill would go to the Senate for passage and ultimately to Biden’s office for signature. .

Other parts of the law that were introduced on Monday include a minimum wage of $ 15, emergency funding for schools and universities and other benefits related to the pandemic.

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