House impeachment officials gush over Pence’s ‘patriotism’ after years of criticism:


House impeachment officials on Wednesday repeatedly praised former Vice President Mike Pence for his actions during the Jan.6 riot on Capitol Hill, putting aside past criticism of Pence as he ‘they were trying to convince Republicans in the Senate to condemn former President Donald Trump.

The positive comments on Pence are a radical departure from the way some Democratic leaders previously spoke about the former vice president.

A crowd trying to stop Biden’s electoral college victory certification and others online threatened the former vice president as they stormed the Capitol after he said he did not had no power to overrule the 2020 presidential election results as Congress voted to certify the electoral college’s votes.

Five people, including a Capitol Hill police officer, died in the attack, which forced Pence and other lawmakers to flee the House and Senate chambers.

In this still from the video, a security video shows Vice President Mike Pence evacuated as rioters enter the Capitol.  (Senate TV via AP)

In this still from the video, a security video shows Vice President Mike Pence evacuated as rioters enter the Capitol. (Senate TV via AP)

Representative Ted Lieu, D-California, detailed how Trump activated Pence prior to voter certification in Congress.


Vice President Pence stood firm as our other courageous officials held firm. He refused the president and fulfilled his duty on January 6, even after the attack on the capital. Even after being personally targeted. Even after his family was targeted, “Lieu said.

The congressman continued, “Vice President Pence has shown us what it means to be American, what it means to be courageous. He put his country, its oath, its values ​​and its morals above the will. of one man. “


Lieu quoted a line from Trump’s “Save America” ​​rally speech in which Trump said he “wouldn’t like ‘Pence’ so much” if he certified the election results after Congress voted and attacked the former vice president “almost a dozen times.”

In this image from the video, Representative Ted Lieu, D-California, speaks during the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump in the Senate at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D, C., Wednesday, February 10, 2021. (Senate TV via AP)

In this image from the video, Representative Ted Lieu, D-California, speaks during the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump in the Senate at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D, C., Wednesday, February 10, 2021. (Senate TV via AP)

The California representative also cited a New York Times report that Trump told Pence: “You can either make history as a patriot or you can make history as a p — y . “


Representative Stacey Plaskett, D-Virgin Islands, praised Pence for his letter saying he could not certify election results and for his “courage to stand up against the president, speak the truth to the American public and do respect our Constitution “.

“This is patriotism. This patriotism is also what put the vice president in danger on January 6 by the crowd sent by our president,” Plaskett said.


Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, also praised Pence for “following his faith, duty and oath to our nation.”

In this image from the video, the representative of the House impeachment official, Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, speaks during the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump in the Senate at the United States Capitol in Washington, DC, Wednesday, February 10, 2021. Senate TV via AP)

In this image from the video, the representative of the House impeachment official, Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, speaks during the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump in the Senate at the United States Capitol in Washington, DC, Wednesday, February 10, 2021. Senate TV via AP)
((Senate TV via AP))

“I don’t agree too much in politics, but he is a man who respects his oath, his faith, his duty, and above all respects the Constitution,” Castro said. “And Mike Pence is not a traitor. To this country. He is a patriot.”

But in a 2018 Tweeter, Castro called Pence a “Trump zombie.”

In December, Lieu accused the former vice president of “allowing crazy conspiracy theories” about the election.

“You reap what you sow”, he tweeted.

The California congressman too accused Pence to “lie” about COVID-19 data last summer, and he alleged in 2019 that Pence discriminates against the LGBTQ community.

Pence’s team told “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace in a phone call that there was some lingering bitterness between Pence and Trump in the wake of the riots because the president had failed. not inquired about the safety of his second-in-command, Wallace told “The Story” Wednesday.

Morgan Phillips of Fox News contributed to this report.


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