How a small airline hacked its own fleet of baggage tractors for Dodge Neon Airport


A former Bearskin employee named Ethan Hodgson told us that despite their odd nature, these neons were also used in other hubs for Bearskin aircraft, with Sioux Lookout in Ontario being another prime example. He also noted that the airline has been using them since the early 2000s and that they frequently had transmission issues. When we finally gave in, the mechanics would get another transmission, put it in the engine bay, and send the tiny terrors back to the tarmac.

So just why Did Bearskin use these neon lights instead of proper tugs? We believe this has something to do with the average size of Bearskin flights. The regional airliner exclusively uses one aircraft model: the Fairchild Metroliner. This means that at most a single flight can have a maximum possible load of only 19 passengers. Why spend $ 30,000 on a tugboat when a cheap ’90s Dodge Neon will do the job for the cost of a saw and a few blades?

“They were a lot of fun!” Hodgson said The reader. “I went way too fast one time and lay down on a patch of ice there, I was on the apron going around in circles with nothing to hold back but the steering wheel. I think they did. put on the seat belt soon after. “

Unfortunately, while the Neons could tow up to two baggage carts, they weren’t up to the task of imposing the Metroliners on the track. Instead, Bearskin reportedly used a few ’90s GMC Sierras to get the job done, which was a significantly cheaper alternative.

But despite his weirdly strong flex, it seems Bearskin is a little aware of his love for neon lights. A cargo loading promotional video on its website features a tractor hauling a Coca-Cola skid rather than those chopped econoboxes, which is shocking because (if we’re being honest) we’d rather have the latter.

Or maybe it’s because you simply won’t find those Neons on the road anymore. Hodgson said many, if not all, places Bearskin operates in have since pulled out the Neons and invested in more suitable equipment.

Maybe someone will find one somewhere in a Canadian landfill someday, and when they wonder what it was used for in its past life, they can learn the glorious history of Bearskin’s Dodge Neons.

We’ve reached out to Bearskin Airlines to find out more about their loyal Neons, and we’ll update this story when we get back to you.

Do you have any advice? Send us a message: [email protected]


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