How Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are struggling to moderate


  • The Wall Street Journal on Friday released an investigation into Amazon's "struggle to control its site." The report revealed that Amazon authorizes the sale on its market of thousands of "banned, unsecured or mislabeled" articles.
  • Similarly, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are striving to moderate content, thus illustrating the larger problem of technology platforms that are reaching such a size that current oversight guidelines are no longer adequate.
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Amazon sells hundreds of millions of items in its online market. With so much product, the question is: how does society regulate what is sold?

The Wall Street Journal on Friday released an investigation into Amazon's "struggle to control its site." The newspaper revealed that over 4,000 items sold on Amazon had been mislabelled, deemed unsafe by federal agencies, or banned by federal regulators. These items included: a four-time child-friendly toy xylophone authorized by the federal government, magnetic toys for children that can cause internal damage if ingested, and a falsely qualified motorcycle helmet Certified by the US Department of Transportation.

Read more: Amazon was caught selling thousands of items declared dangerous by federal agencies

"The challenge for Amazon is that what built the market – its great openness and welcoming reception for new sellers – also means that today, Amazon is really struggling to enforce its own rules because it is physically impossible to allocate enough human resources to control many of these rules, "Juozas Kaziukenas, an e-commerce analyst, told the Journal.

This problem is reflected in technology giants such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. These huge open-technology platforms are struggling to spread tons of problematic content, from Facebook posts calling for the genocide of the Rohingya minority Muslim group in Myanmar to YouTube videos calling for survivors of mass shootings in American schools "actors from crisis".

Here are the issues facing technology giants such as Amazon, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, and the way they are trying to regulate their platforms.


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