How can the 53 Steelers Pittsburgh team become a list of 60 men?


Before entering the details of this article, one must know how the title should not be misleading. No, the NFL and NFLPA teams are not ready to change the team's weekly squad from 53 to 60 players. Nor does it mean that the Steelers have received a special increase in the number of alternators compared to other teams.

No, everything is a question of flexibility of position. Or position the versatility, as Mike Tomlin says.

Although I can not speak for the 31 other NFL franchises, the Pittsburgh Steelers put a lot of weight on this flexibility. You have seen it mainly along the offensive line. Players like Chris Hubbard, B.J. Finney and Matt Feiler, who are / were all good at many points of the line. Having this flexibility means that the team can keep one or two more players in another position because it has players who can cover multiple positions in case of injury.

This trend leaves the offensive line and begins to affect the defense of the Steelers. Mainly in their defensive field. At the post-game press conference following the Steelers' 17-7 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs in the second season of the NFL pre-season, Mike Tomlin discussed this trend within the organization when he talked about Cameron Sutton and Mike Hilton.

"I think about the versatility of all guys. It's just a snapshot. We did the same thing on the other side of football with tackles, for example. The flexibility of the position must be an element, especially you want to add depth to the quality. You can turn the 53 men into 60 if you have good position flexibility. And that's what we strive to have.

I could not have said better myself. This puts a lot of emphasis on the flexibility of many members of the team.

When you look at a situation with Hilton and Sutton, Hilton's ability to be flexible and play safely can help enhance the depth of the team at the security post. Not only is it a depth of quality, and a player with real defense knowledge, but it would also allow the team to have less pure security and keep a player like Ulysses Gilbert III or Tazar Skipper.

If you take a step back and you start seeing the projected alignment of 53 men this way, you'll see the many options the Steelers have. You watch players like Sutton, Hilton and all those above-mentioned line players and you can browse a lot of terrain without having to keep extra "baggage" on your list.

The question that arises now is: does anyone like Hilton really be considered a top quality level safely, or is it just a fill, if it has to? The answer will be given only by time, but time is running out, there are only two weeks left before the preseason for the coaches and players to filter the 91 players to 53.

Stay tuned to BTSC for the latest news and notes regarding black and gold as they prepare for the 3rd week of the pre-season in Tennessee, where they will face the Titans .


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