How did Pusha get Lauryn Hill's report on "Coming Home" – Rolling Stone


1511 days, 36,264 hours, 2,175,840 minutes and 130,550,400 seconds have elapsed since the last time Lauryn Hill released recorded music, until the release of "Coming Home" on Wednesday. Pusha T still seems incredulous that the elusive Hill said "yes" to give him a feature film. "Coming Home" is the antithesis of the cries of nihilist coke that the Daytona The rapper has spent the last two decades becoming a great art. Built on a cacophony of brilliant whistles and an elaborate vocal sample, the song produced by Kanye West, Mike Dean and Charlie Heat is by far the most uplifting song in his discography. Hear Hill Sing: "When Love Is Real, You Can Do Everything" after Pusha T has spent most of 2018 becoming the greatest anti-hero of hip-hop seems almost too weird to be true.

But from the moment Pusha heard the instrument, he realized that "Coming Home" deserved something he did not have the habit of giving. "I remember having the rhythm and I thought," Man, I think it's bigger than what Pusha T really does. What he can do, "he says on the phone. "I felt like the track itself had good music. There was this feeling. I was like, "It must have a message." In three verses, Pusha T describes the effects of mass incarceration on the black community while seeking to elevate people still behind bars. The release of the song coincides with the announcement of the "Third strike, the campaign that comes home", an initiative "to release people serving a life sentence today under the Narcotics Act. , 3 Strikes, "according to a statement. In partnership with Brittany K. Barnett's project Buried Alive and MiAngel Cody's The Decarceration Collective, Pusha T seeks to assist prisoners serving life sentences for federal drug offenses.

How long did you spend this time moderating this idea?
I may have had the beating for a year and a half. Then, leading Ms. Hill to do it, you know that everyone has their process. It's something special that was given to Ms. Hill. Even in this case, we have never really associated with a project. We just want to do things right. We just want the song to be correct. That being the case, it may have been longer than a year and a half.

How did you manage to get Lauryn Hill's feature in 2019?
It was actually just a request. We do not really have any people in common. I just made the request, and she said that she liked what I do musically. At bottom, she thought, "Let me try my luck." By the time she said, "Let me take a chance," I was already upset. I was just like, "ok? You work there. Then she came back with something like, "Hey, that's what I'm working on, but I do not know if I really like those two parts." I say, "What? ! Do you really follow your process with me? What do you mean? I am completely taken aback. She was following the process. I can talk to you about at least nine different interpretations. I have so many different plugs and pieces, things on which it's really focused.

Nothing she did, we could never even attach it to a project because it was still a work in progress. She said to herself, "Oh, you know what, I'm going on tour for this or that, or I'm going abroad and I'll probably come back." I was like, "Cool." Then she come back and it would be like a surprise call, a surprise email, a surprise text from an mp3. She took charge and took charge of running the track.

What was the genesis of the "Third Strike Campaign" and attached to the song?
It happened because we still felt that the song was super loud. In the record, it says that when I wrote it, it made me feel good. It was "Or Tony Lewis in Washington DC / The Royal Pillars of the 80s, must be released / All those faces that we do not believe / If no child is left, then how can we leave them? "These lines counted for me a lot at the song, Tony Lewis Sr., a father, a grandfather who had been in the penitentiary system for 30 years for a drug charge, was referring to these lines. was a prisoner of the plot of the Rayful Edmonds case.

I happened by chance and through music, I met his son, Tony Lewis Jr., who does a lot of intense community work in the Washington area. He told me that he was a fan of my music and that from there we established this relationship. As this relationship progressed, I was recruited by the My Brother's Keeper program with President Obama. I want to believe it was around '15. In fact, this record was over two years old.

When I was recruited by President Obama, I went to the White House. We would talk about things that were very important to us when he left. Prison reform was something I always talked about. When I could not attend certain events, they let Tony Lewis Jr. come and talk. He spoke from so many angles and aspects, from the beginning to the end, by means of having the laws changed. He became part of the My Brother's Keeper program with me. We were active until Obama stepped out of his position. From that moment, the campaign has somehow calmed down.

So I found myself with my publicist and I told myself: "I heard about the Buried Alive project and the Collective Incarceration collective. Can we reach out to these two women and see if we can do something to revive or improve the situation? At this point, I did not know another way to get back into this mix. We found Brittany Barnett and MiAngel Cody, and we explained our interests to them. I even said, "I have a record that we can attach. However, I could help. They asked, "We should raise money. I thought, "Ok, cool, let me donate $ 25,000 to what we do, the" Third Strikes, Return Home "campaign and of course. they came with the name. The most important thing was to hire more lawyers to handle more cases. In 90 days, they want the freedom of 17 prisoners sentenced to die in prison. These two lawyers themselves released 40 men and women who had survived more than 800 years in prison. I was like "dude, we need more lawyers. They say we need more lawyers. We need more lawyers. "I was like, man, we should try to make a campaign to really raise that money and get those lawyers.

How did he work with Barnett and Cody on this?
It's pretty simple. Everyone has put their money where their mouth is, honestly. It started with a conversation and then it was: "Ok, cool. Here is the gift. What else do we need to do? Let's connect it, connect it to all our sources and see what resources we can tap. From there, everything is simple, honestly.

What was the impetus for the sketch on deli meats in the middle of "Sociopath?
We basically record everything while we are in the studio. It was one of those incredible and bizarre moments of Kanye West. I've talked about the fact that often when I hit, and when I rap on his production, I'll say things that he will not necessarily know from which angle I come from or what I do not understand. what I'm talking about And this time he just asked. He says, "Hey dude, what is it like deli?" He was like, "Oh man, what do you know? It must go in the song. They must know what's going on in the studio. He edited it and just put it in the song. That's why it seems a little airy. This sounds like the sound of the speaker because we have it directly pulled from the sound of recording sessions.

On Twitter, you've been really sincere about the degree of Yandhi and G.O.O.D The music leaks "ruin" the plans you have put in place. As president of G.O.O.D. How do you go about that?
This is something that comes with the fanaticism of what we built as a brand in G.O.O.D. The music. People are super eager. Sometimes they are enthusiastic fans, sometimes people who are not ethical. I do not know exactly what it is, but I know that eventually G.O.O.D. The music does not play according to the rules. We never conform to anything, and the only people that are honestly interested are our fan base and only the industry as a whole. All we do is somehow outside the box. I feel that we bring enthusiasm and that we bring a new energy for any new project that we give up.

So when problems such as leaks occur, I get the impression that the only person who is honestly wrong is his fan. These songs go through iterations. There are so many different iterations, from lyricism to production. You could wake up tomorrow and say, "Oh man, those need harder drums." Even some of the songs you've heard are just drum-less references. You do not even have the full scope of the song. Since "Coming Home" and "Sociopath" have also been involved in these leaks, I would never make or cheat a record I'm working on with Ms. Hill. I would not treat him like a throwing. I would not do that. Even Kash Doll, she took the time to come and perform what I needed to do. I wanted to process this record. I wanted to give it a good run, and because of these leaks, these are two of the records that did not have this information. This is unfortunate. I think at the end of the day the music is great and the music is good. I feel that everyone will enjoy it. I feel like we are at a place where the talent pool is second to none. We're going to cook again, and we'll do it right next time, and everything will be fine.

To learn more about the "Third Strikes, Come Home" campaign and how you can help, visit their website here.


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