How did the Seahawks' defense stand up against the Bengals


Professional football has changed dramatically over the decades from players wearing leather helmets to high-tech helmets designed to prevent concussions and requiring security certification before being allowed to play. Along with the changes in the game, the league and the rules have changed. The game itself is evolving slowly over time due to new rules, offensive and defensive innovations and the changing structure of teams and their alignments.

When the numbers increased from 46 to 53 in the early 1990s, this led directly to the adoption of subsets that allowed for greater rotation of defensive linemen, as well as the possibility for coaches to more flexibility in terms of nickel and penny. packages as well. To this end, with the trio of linebackers Bobby Wagner, K.J. Wright and Mychal Kendricks, this creates an enigma for the Hawks' defensive coaching staff.

On the one hand, the nickel defense with five defensive backs became the new base to fight against the three receivers that have become much more common, causing some teams to be extremely light when playing games. it is their group of linebackers. As Kevin Shockey shows on Twitter, it shows on game day.

What made Seattle even more remarkable is the fact that each of the other five teams on the list has one thing in common.

Yes, the Seahawks were the only NFL team to handle a 4-3 defense with three linebackers on the field for more than 90% of their defense.

This is not to criticize the way the Hawks approached the game. With a secondary team that is mostly very young and inexperienced, but a group of linebackers who all have a potential Pro Bowl, we understand why the defense remains at the base for most of the game. That said, in the next three weeks, the Seahawks will face the Pittsburgh Steelers, the New Orleans Saints and the Arizona Cardinals Air Raid, which means that if the Hawks stay in their base defense, high school could to be even worse than that of Andy Dalton. the Cincinnati Bengals in the first week.

In any case, this is just one thing to watch early in the game against Pittsburgh on Sunday. Will Seattle be content to remain in defense of his base or will he use intensely the recent resigned Jamar Taylor against the Steelers? It's something to watch for.


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