How do new herbal burgers compare to beef?


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By Associated press

If you want to skip meat, a new era of options is here.

Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are among the companies looking to enter the huge US meat market by mimicking the taste of beef more than past vegetarian pies. Others work to grow meat in the labs.

So, are herbal pies better for you or for the planet? Here's what you might want to know before taking a bite:


As with many questions about the diet, it depends. For better or for worse, Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods cakes may look like beef nutritionally.

Beyond Meat's 4 ounce pancake contains 270 calories, while Impossible Foods is 240 calories. The nutritional profile of ground beef may vary, but a similar size cake containing 80% lean meat contains about 290 calories.

The protein content is about the same, while the other nutrients vary. Some may like that herbal patties contain fiber, but do not like that they contain more sodium.


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