How fantastic animals The tragic turn of the Grindelwald crimes could have a positive result


Note: contains the main spoilers for Fantastic Beasts: The Grindelwald Crimes.

Fantastic Beasts: The Grindelwald Crimes has its problems in terms of Harry Potter Canon and the general chronology, but his biggest problem is undoubtedly the problem of the failure of his female cast.

A particular moment during the explosive finale appears as a seemingly useless use of a used film trope. However, a new theory suggests that perhaps everything is not what it seems with respect to the fate of a major character.

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Major spoilers wait, so this is your last chance to avoid them if you still have not seen the Fantastic beasts after.

Always with us? So, in a rubbing school case, Zoë Kravitz's Leta Lestrange is tragically killed by Grindelwald after deciding to sacrifice herself to give Newt, her brother (and her fiancé) Theseus and the others the time to s & # 39; 39; escape.

This happens shortly after the long exposure sequence where we learn that Leta is haunted by the death of her half-brother. When she was a child during a rough sea crossing, she traded it for another baby, but only for her real brother to drown.

But this emotional depth for Leta is all that she has before being killed and, unless there are flashbacks, it is unlikely to be seen again. Fantastic beasts series. However, a theory of the user of Reddit amanyggvv suggests that the presence of Leta can still be felt in the next films.

Zoe Kravitz as Leta Lestrange in Fantasy Beasts Crimes of Grindelwald

Warner Bros.

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Dive into Harry Potter canon, they suggest that Leta would have placed a Sacrificial Protection spell after his death, much like Harry's mother, Lily, to protect him from Lord Voldemort. For the charm to work, a person must sacrifice his life for love to save the life of one or more people.

In this context, the person who makes the sacrifice must have the opportunity to live, but choose death, what Leta does when she willingly confronts Grindelwald, which is crucial after she has given him the opportunity to join him .

So, in this aspect, Leta could have put the spell in motion and if that were the case, it would mean that Grindelwald might not be able to harm one of the Scamander brothers.

The charm prevents the murderer from harming those who are protected and all the spells cast on them will dissipate faster, potentially giving them an advantage in the battle against Grindelwald. Again, it could be a little embarrassing if Leta only protected Newt …

Zoë Kravitz, Leta Lestrange, Fantastic Beasts: The Grindelwald Crimes

Warner Bros.

However, this theory raises some problems, namely that for the charm to work, the person who sacrifices himself can not defend himself against his murderer.

Leta will definitely hit Grindelwald in the final battle after fooling him into believing that she was joining her side, but it could be argued that she is not defending herself and is only trying to deflect her everyone's attention. In a revealing way, she does not defend herself as Grindelwald is going to strike her big blow.

The other potential problem is that we do not know if this charm can be entrusted to someone outside the Potter family. In the series so far, we have only seen Lily and Harry succeed in creating a sacrificial protection spell, which could be specific to their lineage.

Moreover, it is not clear whether Leta's connection with Newt or Theseus is strong enough to have the necessary connection for the spell to take effect. It seems like Newt's been seeing Leta for years, after all.

Nevertheless, if it were proved that the theory was correct, it would be a good way to add to the sacrifice of Leta a much needed meaning, apart from the rapprochement of the Scamanders. That would not completely solve the frustration Fantastic beasts Leta lose, but it's a beginning.

Fantastic Beasts: The Grindelwald Crimes is out now.

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