How Game of Thrones has just configured the CleganeBowl


The third to the last episode of Game of thrones has come to an end, and he has set up a highly anticipated moment in the series. Sandor Clegane AKA the Hound will travel to King's Landing with Arya Stark, which means he is finally on the verge of confronting his brother, Gregor Clegane AKA the Mountain. The fans are waiting for the two characters to fight since it was revealed at the beginning of the series that it was the Mountain that had burned the face of the Dog when they were children.

"There is only one thing that makes me happy," The Hound told Sansa Stark earlier in the episode. He then leaves with Arya at King's Landing to fulfill his goal of killing his brother.

The Hound has always vowed that he would kill his brother and the fans have dubbed the inevitable meeting of the CleganeBowl. The two characters clashed for the first time in many years last season when they went to the summit supposed to convince Cersei Lannister of the threat of the army of the dead. During this meeting, the Hound threatened the mountain with the following:

"Remember me?" Yes, you do. "You're even more ugly than me now." What did they do to you? It does not matter. not like that ends up for you, brother, you know who's coming for you, you've always known. "

Interestingly, despite the fans' eagerness for the two brothers to meet again, the match in the season seven finale was only the second time their two characters were seen together on the screen. In the fifth episode of season 1, the two men fought when Loras Tyrell was attacked by the mountain after a defeat against him.

Who do you think will win the CleganeBowl? Tell us in the comments!

Game of thrones aired on Sunday nights on HBO at 9:00 pm EST.


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