How many characters in Super Smash Bros. Can Ultimate overtake the Sonic miniature?


Sonic’s ground speed is so fast that he’s able to outrun everyone else in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (apart from Hero with Acceleratle). Quite hilariously, Sonic is even able to overtake the other characters at their maximum ground speed just by walking.

To really test Sonic’s speed, Master0fHyrule decided to put a handicap on Sonic. The “Blue Blur” will race the rest of the list as a miniature version of itself. Since Sonic is shorter, he will actually have to travel a greater distance than everyone else.

Despite this massive handicap, Sonic is still a bit faster than the vast majority of the roster. However, the size reduction affects Sonic’s overall position in the list of ground running speed levels.

Characters like Fox, Captain Falcon, and Sheik can now reach destinations faster than mini Sonic. Even fighters like Yoshi and Jigglypuff can use some movement-based specials to outdo Sonic here.

In the end, Sonic is able to win in 74 different scenarios. Of course, that also means he loses in 15 other scenarios.

Check out the video below to see it all in action (and listen to Master0fHyrule’s hilarious story about how Sonic got into this situation in the first place):


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