How Outlook ‘Autodiscover’ Could Leak Your Passwords – and How to Stop It – Naked Security


Thanks to James Cope and Rajeev kapur from Sophos IT for their help with this article.

Researchers from a cybersecurity startup called Guardicore just published a report on an experiment they conducted over the past four months …

… in which they claim to have collected hundreds of thousands of Exchange and Windows passwords that have been inadvertently uploaded to their servers by unsuspecting Outlook users from a wide variety of corporate networks.

The problem, researchers say, is caused by a Microsoft feature known as Auto discovery, which is used by various parts of Windows, including Outlook, to simplify setting up new accounts.

For example, if I want to connect Outlook on my laptop to the “Exchange server” managed by IT, I don’t need to know and correctly enter a whole stack of technical specifications before going all the way to setup. a password and sending my first e-mail.

Left. Opening form in the installation process.
Law. Next step in setting up Autodiscover.

If you’ve gone through the process before, you’ve probably seen the two simple setup screens above, where you enter your email address, tell it you’re looking for an Exchange server, and Outlook comes out and automatically finds out the details of. configuration for you.