How Prince Philip responded to a rude teenager on a hike


Prince Philip laughed at it when he was once cursed by a tired teenager on hike.

The royal, who died in April at the age of 99, met the youngster at Balmoral Castle, his grandson Prince William recalled in a recent tribute.

The teenager was one of two children who roamed the Queen’s estate in search of their Duke of Edinburgh award, a youthful achievement similar to that of the Eagle Scout in the United States.

As he walked past the teens, Philip “stopped and rolled down his window and said, ‘Hello. How are you doing ?’ William recalls, according to reports.

“At which the smaller youngster in the back turned and actually said, ‘Jog on Grandpa! “” said William, who noted that the teenager’s joke was actually grosser than that.

In response, Philippe raised the window, turned to his son and said: “The youth of today! “

Prince William opens up about his grandfather in upcoming BBC documentary, "Prince Philip: The royal family remembers."
Prince William talks about his grandfather in the upcoming BBC documentary, “Prince Philip: The Royal Family Remembers”.

The anecdote was included in a recent British Broadcasting Corporation special, “Prince Philip: The Royal Family Remembers”, in honor of the late Duke of Edinburgh, who died in April at the age of 99.

In the documentary, Prince Charles recounted his last conversation with his late father. He had called Philip on April 8 to discuss his 100th birthday.

“We’re talking about your birthday, and if there’s going to be a reception,” Charles said.

Philip replied, “Well, I have to be alive for that, don’t I? “


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