How secure are New York vaccination passport applications?


Most of us in New York City know we are within two weeks of having to prove we are vaccinated for dinner or indoors exercise. Far fewer of us have understood or figured out exactly how we’re going to show restaurants and fitness studios that we’ve received all of our shots.

“I announced the NYC pass key and about five hours later, the President of the United States approved it, ”Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday.

the NYC COVID Safe app allows users to upload a photo of their COVID-19 vaccination card, then flash the image in the app to enter a facility requiring vaccines.

“[It’s] not connected to the Internet, ”de Blasio said. “Cannot be hacked. “

Is it true?

“No,” Surveillance Technology Surveillance Project (STOP) said founder and executive director Albert Fox Cahn. “This statement from a technical point of view just doesn’t make sense.”

Cahn has read the NYC COVID Safe terms and conditions and found the city’s internet-enabled app to document his IP address every time it is opened. He also has uploaded a photo of Mickey Mouse in place of his vaccination card and the app endorsed Mickey with three green check marks, leaving Cahn confused as to why the city developed their own app.

RELATED: New York City Launches Vaccine Passport

“I think this is just further proof of the dysfunction between town hall and Albany,” he said.

Over 3 million New Yorkers have downloaded the Excelsior collar. And the governor announced Excelsior More Thursday, allowing New Yorkers to use Excelsior in certain locations around the world. But Cahn also expressed concern for the safety of that app, hacking it – with a user’s permission – in just 11 minutes.

“Carrying the card itself is the easiest,” said de Blasio. “A lot of people just have the card in their wallet.”

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With that, Cahn agreed.

As of this writing, the city had not yet clarified whether those exempt from vaccines could dine or train indoors, or how staff would verify international vaccination documents or prove the authenticity of the vaccine. a CDC card.

“The difference between vaccination cards and the app is that the apps look more secure,” said Cahn, “but the truth is, they’re just as easy to tamper with as that piece of cardboard.”

New York’s vaccine requirement for dining or indoor exercise goes into effect Monday, August 16.


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