How the Falcon and the Winter Soldier compare to WandaVision explained by Sebastian Stan


Sebastian Stan compared The Falcon and the Winter Soldier at WandaVision in a new interview. The first Disney + Marvel Cinematic Universe series has just ended after taking fans on a mysterious journey. All the mystery that surrounds it WandaVision left a lot to the imagination, which led to wild theories and fan speculation. Some of these theories left some MCU fans feeling disappointed, while others were completely happy with the chances Marvel Studios took in taking a wild left turn with the story of Wanda Maximoff and Vision.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is next for Disney + and Marvel Studios, and Sebastian Stan says it won’t be similar to WandaVisionattempt to get out of the box. In a new interview with Total Film, Stan says, “I think WandaVision is a really interesting show, different from Marvel, and it’s toned in its own world. “However, the next MCU series won’t come out as far as the last series, although it will have its own vibe. Stan had this to say.

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“I think we are also tonic in our own world, in accordance with what the Captain America franchise movies have been – The Winter Soldier, Civil war – and so I think we take a much more down to earth and relatable approach. “

The first images of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier let MCU fans know they were heading into familiar territory. “It’s a continuation of the story, and we finally have enough time with these characters,” says Sebastian Stan. Stan’s Bucky Barnes, as well as Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson, are major components of the MCU, but fans haven’t really seen them the same way as characters like Thor and Iron Man. Stan continues, “We’ve never had the chance to really understand where they’re coming from and the ability to explore that in the tone of the movies, having the action and now more of the character, has been really cool.”

WandaVision has taken MCU fans on a long journey over the past few months through the use of classic sitcoms. It took a while for aspects of Marvel to really take hold, which infuriated some longtime fans, while the mystery of the slow burn puzzled others. As for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it looks like it’ll be more in line with the classic MCU storytelling we’ve already seen on the big screen.

Anthony Mackie previously spoke about the issue The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, noting that Sam Wilson never agreed to take Captain America’s iconic shield when Steve Rogers passed it on to him at the end of Avengers: Endgame. “Where will the shield end?” Mackie asked. “And, who’s going to be Captain America, and will that nickname come back?” Is anyone going to wear this nickname again? Sebastian Stan’s interview is in the current issue of Total Film.

Topics: Falcon and Winter Soldier, WandaVision, Disney Plus, Streaming


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