How the Lakers fell from ruined clash in the last seasons of Kobe Bryant


As for basketball, Kobe Bryant had what he needed in 2010. Without Shaq sharing his spotlight, Bryant has won several consecutive NBA championships, proving that he could do it as a superstar main Lakers. But he had not finished and he wanted to stay in Los Angeles, so the Lakers acted accordingly.

Or at least they tried. LA – led by a complex, ever-changing, and sometimes nepotistic reception desk – quickly realized that the core that had earned them back-to-back alliances would not upset him face-to-face. the rise of the Western Conference. So they exchanged a huge trade to bring superstar Chris Paul. When the league vetoed the trade, the situation began to turn sour: shocked co-stars led to desperate layoffs, which led to desperate acquisitions, which led to a decline in organic growth and possibly, many losses.

The Lakers bid farewell to Kobe with their worst franchise season. This episode of Collapse explains how they fell so precipitously into the twilight of their departing star.

Written and produced by Seth Rosenthal
Shot and edited by Jiazhen Zhang
Motion graphics by Michael Das


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