How the month of the Black History 2019 was a total disaster


Celebrate inherent power yourself while the world around you strives to reduce your personality. In essence, this is what he has always wanted to be black in America: shine in shit while she whirls, daring to be boldly against individual and structural contempt. Black History Month is always an interesting study in this reality – an opportunity to proudly display all that we are and a reminder that we remain who we are despite everything. With the current presidential administration and cultural climate, it was particularly important to see black people love each other. And lately, it seems that many people are opposed to this joy.

Black History Month began with a series of Blackface scandals, one involving Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who was allegedly photographed in his film. Directory of the Eastern Virginia Medical School of 1984 in blackface – and Northam responded by denying that it was him in the photo, while admitting that on another occasion, he would have put black polish to look like Michael Jackson. The news was greeted with a wave of calls for Northam's resignation. "Racism has no place in America," tweeted former vice president Joe Biden. "Governor Northam has lost all moral authority and should resign immediately, Justin Fairfax is the leader Virginia needs now."

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring later revealed: "In 1980, when I was 19, I was a student at the university. Some friends suggested we attend a party dressed up as rappers. at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and performing a song, "admitting that he had also worn Blackface. "It sounds ridiculous even when writing it. But because of our ignorance and our casual attitudes, and because we had no idea of ​​the experiences and perspectives of others, we dressed and put on wigs and brown makeup. "


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