How the side quests of Cyberpunk Mercenaries 2077 will work


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CD Projekt Red gave fans another long look at Cyberpunk 2077 with his latest deep-dive gaming video. After the demonstration, some developers sat down to further discuss the planned title, and one of the topics discussed was how sidequests, a long-standing RPG staple, will work in the upcoming game.

Those who played The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will remember that side quests and other tasks could be accepted from different billboards in each city, but in Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red says that quests will be more organically related to the world. One of the solutions is to use "repairmen" like Dexter DeShawn, who played a major role in the gameplay demo of last year.

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Most Night City neighborhoods will have their own proofreaders, and these characters can contact you for the tasks they need. These jobs can take the form of "street stories", which will appear on your map as an icon indicating what type of street story it is.

CD Projekt Red has previously stated that Night City would have a denser map than that of The Witcher 3. The studio revealed during the interview that it had created a dedicated team to fill the world with exciting activities and other activities for the players.

"After [The Witcher 3:] Wild Hunt, we have actually created a brand new team, the Open World team, that creates incredible content to fill this world with significant things, "said Quest Designer Philipp Weber. [so that] you can do a lot of things smaller in the city, but they are all cool and unique in their own way. "

The latest demo of Cyberpunk 2077 gave us a glimpse of Pacifica, one of Night City's neighborhoods. Pacifica was originally destined to become a tourist hotspot, but it fell into chaos after the funding was withdrawn and has since been inundated with two gangs: the Voodoo Boys and the Pets, who took over the Grand Imperial shopping center. Another interesting CD Projekt Red has revealed is that he is working with real planners to design Night City.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be launched on April 16, 2020 on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game also arrives on Google Stadia. You can read more about the game and its collector's edition in our Cyberpunk 2077 pre-order guide.


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