How the strong poll of Joe Biden makes it less likely the removal of Trump


Joe Biden's election wave after the announcement of his candidacy for the presidency uprooted the assumptions about the ideological nature of the Democratic electorate, thus strengthening the decision of Democratic House leaders to avoid dissenting. Assign President Trump.

At present, the Liberals are engaged in a debate over the merits of Trump's indictment, even though they are largely in agreement that he is corrupt and that it should be subject to aggressive surveillance by Democrats. Generally, there are three camps. According to one view, which was adopted by Democratic leaders, an indictment would be unpopular and unnecessary given Republican control of the Senate, and could even distract attention from efforts to hold Trump accountable. Jonathan Bernstein recently introduced this case to Bloomberg. Washington Post's Greg Sargent defended a more mediocre point of view by urging Democrats to at least open an indictment investigation, saying it would give more legal weight to their demands for surveillance in the current confrontation between Trump and the testimony. and documents. Then there is of course the school "impeach the mother f — er". On this front, Brian Beutler of Crooked has demonstrated that by effectively removing the impeachment process, the Democrats have given the green light to more shameless behavior on the part of Trump.

In the end, for the Democrats, destitution would always be a political decision. Once Robert Mueller's report has been published without establishing collusion or providing a conclusive response to the obstruction, there would be no more political cost to Republicans opposed to removal. The question has become: will the tumult of liberal activists demanding impeachment gain so much speed within the party that it will be impossible to avoid, no matter the risks?

This is where Biden's rise to the game comes in. Biden's candidacy, in many ways, has come to represent a test of the party's left wing force, which is very influential on social media. In the run-up to his candidacy, Biden was the subject of an avalanche of criticism of past positions and statements considered disconnected from the modern Democratic Party. Many assumed that as soon as he announced his candidacy and that more of his file would be known, he would have quickly fallen. This has not happened yet. On the contrary. Biden has climbed to about 40% in the polls, which is extremely impressive in a race to more than 20 candidates, without anyone being within 20 points of it. He left the door open for dismissal, but for now he has only asked for more follow-up surveys.

"The apparent resurrection of Biden, relegated to the rank of leader, illustrated a gulf between perception and reality," wrote Jonathan Chait, of New York magazine. "The triumph of the left lies somewhere between a movement ahead of its time and a bubble that has just opened."

As Biden's rise in power continues to feed into the perception that very liberal Twitter is not representative of the broader Democratic Party, it is even less likely that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be convinced. to abandon his skeptical position on dismissal.

Of course, this dynamic could change if Biden suddenly fell like a rock and was overtaken by one of the strident Liberal candidates. But we are at the stage where the state of the 2020s primary democrats is likely to help set the tone for what is happening in Congress. And for now, the message sent is that there is no penalty for resisting requests from the left.


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