How the Yankees can keep Luke Voit and Greg Bird on the list


TAMPA – Can the first goal be twice as good for these Yankees?

It may be the excess sunscreen that speaks, but should the Yankees consider a list of opening day with Greg Bird and Luke Voit?

If we understand the great distance that separates the Orioles teams at the Yankee Stadium on March 28, the answer is yes, they should. In fact, as Bird and Voit start admirably in the first goal duel, their coach said on Friday that the Yankees were considering such an iteration.

"I can see a case where it is, yes," said Aaron Boone to George M. Steinbrenner Field, before the Yankees face the O. "But I would say we are far from that. What are we, four weeks? Many things can happen here.

"Obviously, both guys look really good. Have had very good reasons. Undoubtedly in my mind, both players have an impact on the players of the big leagues. So I do not know. We will see. We will see where we are. We are not even close to making these kinds of final decisions. "

I'm actually secretary / treasurer of the club "Do not get in the way by creating spring training questions that end up resolving" (the acronym is too long to print here). However, we can not deny that the first returns of the grapefruit league left an impression and dared to dream the Yankees.

Bird, the first of the Baby Bombers to shine in 2015, showed the coup de grace and power that captivated Yankees fans before many injuries damaged his stock. He has five hits, including one homer and two doubles, out of eight batting and one stroll.

"To be honest, I just enjoyed that performance," said Bird, who credited a normal off-season during which he did not need to heal from injuries. "It's all, it's still early, we still have a lot of camp, long season, I'm excited, I'm excited for the team we have."

Sees, Shane Spencer of the Yankees in 2018, played a draw against three Friday night, his first game without highlights. Nevertheless, the 28-year-old has a go-getter, a single and is walking on a young spring, continuing to threaten not to be a fluke despite his disappointing past before the Yankees' acquisition by the Cardinals last July.

"[I’ve] somehow continued what I learned from last year, slipping into this year, "said Voit." We spent a lot of time on the defense, which worked very well. good games. "

So what is it? Throw the two guys into the mix, with Voit getting regular beats to the designated batter. Begin more often Giancarlo Stanton in the outfield and less often Brett Gardner, thus respecting the unrealized desire each year not to exhaust Gardner by July.

The alignment room would come from one of two sources. The Yankees could play with 12 pitchers instead of 13, which could be viable as they enjoy four days of rest during the first 19 days of the season. After that, however, they will play 17 consecutive games, including the first two games of a trip to the West.

"There could be some games with some things, especially early in the year," Boone said. "Especially when we think of CC [Sabathia] come back and stuff like that. "

(The slow rise of Sabathia, the byproduct of its angioplasty during the offseason, could help the Bird plus Voit cause, once active, Sabathia will immediately serve his five-game suspension for piercing the Jesus Sugar of Rays last September: If Sabathia starts the season on the injured list, the Yankees will play a full training.)

The second source is Tyler Wade, Clint Frazier or any other fifth camper while carrying 13 throwers. That would not give Boone so much flexibility in the game. That would cause him a serious offense, though.

How about the Yankees' first shot against first-base bunch since Doug Mientkiewicz shared the show with Josh Phelps, Andy Phillips and Miguel Cairo in 2007? OK, that does not really inspire a sequel. Still, Bird and Voit should inspire the Yankees to think creatively.


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