How to access legendary loot rooms in Warzone Stadium without a key


Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 has made a number of changes, including in-game bunkers and secret loot. Now players are excited to realize that the legendary Stadium loot rooms are unlocked.

When Warzone Season 2 was dropped, many players were hoping for an entirely new map or massive changes. Instead, a ghost ship was pushed between the park and the prison, catching everyone’s attention as players sought to discover a new location and battle zombies.

Still, Verdansk’s confident explorers began to find other changes to the map, focusing on those with tons of loot. There is, of course, the new ship and its Attractive yellow access card (which opens a beautifully filled chest). And there is three new weapon silos, where players can go for easy underground looting.

But, although many the bunkers have been closed Next to the metro parking lot and the stadium, looters have discovered a gold mine: the once locked stadium Easter egg rooms are now unlocked and still full of loot.

Stadium loot room locations

warzone stadium halls

The three unlocked loot rooms in the stadium.

There are three locations, and at least two have been verified to be unlocked and full of loot so far. For now, most players don’t know about these spots – but their popularity will increase as people find out.

How to access Warzone Stadium loot rooms

  1. The first loot room (# 1) is in the westernmost corner of the mid-level near the bar (or, technically, the Concourse lounge)
  2. The second bedroom (# 2) is on the top floor, near the southernmost corner
  3. The third room (n ° 3) is also on the top floor, located northeast of n ° 2
  4. No cards are needed for any of the rooms, so come and get and loot for free

Stadium loot is still stored, but no longer requires a key. by CODWarzone

As shown in a Reddit video from ‘errlloyd’, stadium rooms can be opened without a map and stay home with tons of legendary loot chests.

The parking room is now obviously closed, but the Easter egg hunt at the stadium is gone and that means the others, above ground, are now open.

Quick loads galore if you can squeeze through these once-locked rooms before people get the hang of it.


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