How to be lucky that Pokemon is guaranteed in Pokemon Go


Pokemon Lucky is a very underrated and underutilized feature in Pokemon Go and is the best way to get the strongest Pokemon on the game.

As a result, you should try to get as much as you can. Here's how to find them in Pokemon Go.

What are lucky Pokemon?

Lucky Pokémon behave and look like normal Pokémon, but have one essential difference: they cost half the star dust to be under tension in comparison.

It is difficult to find star dust in large quantities, so if you are a competitive player who wants to get a Pokémon at the maximum level of 40, it is essential to get the Pokémon Lucky.

How to be lucky Pokemon?

Redeem Pokemon from July / August 2016

Trading specific Pokémon is currently the best way to get lucky Pokémon.

Since September 2018, Niantic has changed the ease with which it is easy to get lucky Pokemon. If two coaches trade Pokémon that were captured in July or August 2016 and one of the coaches had less than 10 lucky ones, both trade Pokémon will be lucky.

The ease with which this will be achieved will vary from trainer to trainer. Some will play Pokemon Go since its release (July 2016) and will have a stock of old Pokemon. Others may be newer in the game, in which case they will have to find someone with an older Pokémon.

2016 Pokemon = Lucky Pokémon during the exchange …

Swap Pokemon

All trades have a chance to be lucky for both Pokémon. However, trading older Pokemon is more likely to make them lucky.

The exact percentages of obtaining a lucky Pokemon based on his age are unknown. It has been assumed that when two games are traded, the game will take the average age of both and put a percentage on that result.

Others have speculated that there is a limit to the number you can get over a certain period of time.

To be sure not to waste rare Pokemon starting in 2016, it's probably wise to make sure that a coach has less than 10. If you're ready to take the risk, make sure you do not perform multiple transactions without them being lucky.

Pokemon Go

Lucky Pokemon almost always results from an exchange …

Lucky friends

In April 2019, Niantic introduced the lucky friends feature of Pokemon Go. It is detailed in the link above, but essentially if you are the best friends of another coach, every time you interact, you have a chance to become lucky friends.

Becoming a lucky friend guarantees that your next exchange will result in a lucky Pokémon for both of you.

Lucky Pokémon are guaranteed to have IV of 12 (80%). Like brilliant Pokémon, they can also appear in the wild, although this is rare.


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