How to celebrate National Donut Day, according to 2020 candidates


Whow to celebrate the national donut day? Just look at the 2020 candidates.

Companies from Walmart to Krispy Kreme are offering donuts on Fridays, a wise move considering the popularity of dessert. According to a survey conducted in 2015, only 11% of Americans do not eat donuts. The rest of the United States seems to like what is baked, and these Democratic presidential candidates are no exception.

Elizabeth Warren
The Massachusetts senator made headlines a few years ago for organizing sit-ins with Dunkin donuts. She also clearly explained her policy on specific flavors. Not only does she approve donuts, but she is also a fan of "The Simpsons" dessert.

Cory Booker
Recognized for freely declaring his love for coffee and sleeping on Twitter, the New Jersey senator also expressed his love for donuts. I have to question his commitment after he let happen free donuts in 2011, but it seems to be redeemed the following year. Disturbingly, he has been silent on the issue for some time.

Kamala Harris
It seems that the Californian senator does not like the sprinkles on his donuts. As a result, all other dessert recommendations of the candidate are invalidated.

Pete Buttigieg
The mayor of South Bend, in Indiana, seems delighted to receive a birthday donut sprinkled and iced with chocolate. However, he says he's never had it before, so his support for the donut cause can be politically motivated.

Beto O 'Rourke
The former representative of the United States seems to have fully endorsed the donuts, encouraging the consumption of the delicious dessert and apparently even having prepared them.

Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders deserves some kind of award. As of this writing, he is the only candidate from 2020 to have mentioned National Donor Day. Note that it hurts so much, distorting a clip of my boss, Tim Carney. I do not approve of the Vermont Senator's claim, but only his support for donuts.

Evidence of the feelings of former Vice President Joe Biden with respect to donuts was not available immediately. Senator from Minnesota, Amy Klobuchar, it seems, prefer salads.


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