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Think of it as the kind of line you don’t want to be on your mind.
Due to a record-breaking heat wave that is straining California’s power grid and skyrocketing demand for air conditioning, the California power grid operator declared a Level 2 emergency on Tuesday afternoon, warning that Power outages are “likely” Tuesday afternoon and evening unless California residents and businesses reduce electricity use.
So how do you know if your diet is going to go out?
When demand for electricity exceeds supply, grid managers at California’s independent system operator at Folsom order large utilities such as PG&E, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric to institute ” outages ”to reduce demand enough to stabilize the grid. Otherwise, there could be large-scale power outages across the West.
Utilities decide who to disable. PG&E has set up a website where customers can enter their addresses and know their “spin-off blocking” number.
This website is here.
The page looks like this.
After looking up your address, you can compare the fault block number to PG&E’s list of block numbers whose power will be shut off and at what time.
Most outages last 1 to 2 hours, according to PG&E. If you’ve recently suffered a power outage as part of an ongoing power outage – the most recent was on Friday and affected around 220,000 customers in Monterey, Santa Cruz, Stockton and other places, it’s unlikely that you stopped one after the other. events under the PG&E system. Hence the name “rotating” power cuts. The idea is that everyone shares the pain, although there are exceptions for critical infrastructure like hospitals and police stations.
You can compare your fault block number to the PG&E list showing which blocks are disabled and at what time.
This page looks like this for Tuesday August 18, 2020.
For example, if your fault block is 4 and your secondary fault block is R, then your number is 4R, putting you in line for a power outage at 8 p.m.
Anyone with a breakdown number of 50 is exempt from cuts. These include hospitals, police and fire stations, as well as areas that were blackened in the latest round of power cuts.
Again, if residents and businesses keep during peak demand on Tuesday and Wednesday between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m., outages will be minimized or even possibly avoided entirely. The biggest grid crisis usually occurs between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., as it is still hot in many places, the air conditioning is on full blast, and electricity production from large solar farms drops off at sunset. Usually, network operators can bridge this gap by importing electricity from other states. But during record heat waves, there is less to do.
Finally, continual power outages are not the decision of PG&E and other utilities, and are not related to PG&E problems in recent years, causing forest fires or blowing up gas pipes.
The California ISO has ordered utilities to shut off the power supply to stabilize the power grid. Another type of power outage, called a public safety power outage, or PSPS, is something that utilities like PG&E choose to impose during very dry and windy days in some areas, to reduce the risk of trees blow in power lines and cause large forest fires.
Finally, to see who is on or off in the PG&E service area at any given time, navigate to the PG&E outage map.
It looks like this.
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