How to complete the "Follow the Direction of Junk Junction Signs" at the Fortnite Challenge


Here's how to complete the challenge "Follow the Treasure Map in Junk Junction" Step 2 Fortnite. This guide describes the location of the battle star of Junk Junction Road Sign.

Week 10 of one of the challenges of the last week of challenges is for players to look for the Junk Junction Treasure Map Board, which is the first step of the challenge. Once the first step is over, players will have to follow the treasure map sign in Junk Junction.

At the time of writing this guide, the challenges are not yet known, but we know the challenges ahead as they were revealed by dataminers in last week's v8.50 update.

When players finish the first stage of the challenge, they see the treasure map on the board. You can see the Junk Junction treasure map below.

Treasure map of the junk food sign board
Treasure map of the junk food sign board

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The Junk Junction Treasure Map above provides players with a good idea of ​​where the Battle Star is located. Here is the exact location of the "Follow the treasure map in Junk Junction" challenge.

Follow the sign of the treasure map in Junk Junction Location

The location of the battle star for this challenge is quite easy to find. The Junk Junction Treasure Map shows a "forknife" image of Fork and Knife, a location that was added at the beginning of season 8. It is located northwest of Fatal Fields or directly south of Salty Springs. You can see the location on the map below.

Follow the sign indicating the treasure map in Junk Junction Map Location
Follow the sign indicating the treasure map in Junk Junction Map Location

Here is a more accurate picture of where you can find the battle star.

Follow the map of the treasure map in Junk Junction exact location of the map
Follow the map of the treasure map in Junk Junction exact location of the map

Here's what you're looking for in the game as you challenge.

Map Changes for Fortnite Season 8 - Fork Knife
Map Changes for Fortnite Season 8 – Fork Knife

Looking at Junk Junction's treasure map, you'll notice that the X is marked on the right side of the "Forknife" image. The X is on the central part of the knife in the lower right corner. Here is an image of where you will have to look to find the battle star.

Follow the Treasure Map Sign Junk Junction Forknife Battle Star Location
Follow the Treasure Map Sign Junk Junction Forknife Battle Star Location

As mentioned earlier in the article, this challenge guide was created before the online challenges. When you are in the location above, you will see a fighting star with which you can interact or gather to meet the challenge.

Reading this in the wrong order and not having completed the first step of the challenge? Click here to view the guide on step 1, look for the treasure map sign found in Junk Junction.

More challenge guides of the week 10


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