How to earn the new Fortnite Kickoff skin set for free


Last year, we completed a list of the ten sweatiest skins in the game. Many of these skins have retained their “sweaty” status, but we’ve seen many updates to the Item Shop since then. .

As most gamers know, a Fortnite sweatshirt is not only distinguished by its skin. Their pickaxe and bling back also tell a story, which is why we’re opening this list to include additional sweaty Fortnite cosmetics.

Like we said, a lot of skins from last year are still drenched in sweat, so we’re not including them here. If we missed some obvious sweat skin like Crystal, Sparkplug, and Aura, you can find them on our old list. This one is designed to be an addition to that list rather than a replacement.

AND Cosmetics

We listed the “OG” Season 1 and 2 skins in our last article, but we didn’t mention the back bling, emotes, glider, and even the banner icon that come with them.

OG sweatshirts will almost always wear a Season 2 skin, a bling on the back of the Dark Knight, or a bling on the back of the banner displaying the OG Battle Bus icon – something only Season 1 players have.

Bling Banner Shield / Back Cap

Speaking of the Banner Shield and Cloak, this is another sweaty Fortnite community favorite.

We don’t see as many Banner Bregade skins as we did last year, but both back bling options are still very common.

It’s easy to see why. These are the only cosmetic products that give your banner meaning, and the customization options make it great value for money.

Mermaid skin

Thanks to Benjyfishy, ​​the Siren skin became one of the sweatiest skins in the game. The EU pro began healing the skin upon release, and his legions of fans followed.

Epic Games even offered the Siren skin and the Star Wand pickaxe (discussed below) as a Benjyfishy bundle. It’s safe to say that Siren has become one of Fortnite’s sweatiest skins over the past year or so.

Driver’s Pickaxe

The Driver’s Pickaxe is a sweaty cosmetic that we fully understand. The swing animation and harvest sound it makes might be our favorite of all the pickaxes in the game.

Sweaty Fortnite players love the pickaxe because it’s thin and relatively quiet.

Ridable gliders

Sweaty Fortnite gamers love mountable gliders. These include gliders like the Dragacorn glider, Astroworld glider, Silver Surfer glider, and a few others.

Players using mountable gliders are a bit harder to hit while in the air. This isn’t such a big advantage in the current Fortnite season, but it’s still something you would want to have on your side if you take Fortnite seriously.

Agent of Chaos Appearance

Agent of Chaos is one of the only male skins players regularly attempt to wear. It’s easy to see why, as it shares the same advantage as most female skins – a smaller character model.

Tfue used this skin as his primary when he first released – while still playing. Partly for this reason, many other competitive Fortnite players have started picking it up and using it in tournaments.

Sun Sprout Back Bling

The Sun Sprout back bling might be the sweatiest back bling in the game. We don’t understand why that is the case – outside of the pros who wear it – but we are.

Anyone who buys the Sun Sprout, at least, thinks they’re good at the game. They’ve probably logged hundreds of hours in Creative Mode and yelled “Caned Like a Fish” in a squeaky, prepubescent voice every time they did. ‘they outshine an opponent.

Fortnite sun shoot

Dynamo skin

We almost didn’t include the Dynamo on this list because we were sure we covered it last year.

Dynamo has been one of Fortnite’s sweatiest skins since its release, largely because Mitr0 and other pro players have used it as their primary skin.

We included Dynamo in our most hated article on Fortnite skins, and it stays that way today – in part because of how sweaty gamers perceive it.

Star wand pickaxe

Why is this pickax so sweaty? Your guess is as good as ours. A ton of pros are using it which is definitely increasing sales, but we’re not sure why it has become so popular in the first place.

Noise is minimal, which is a plus, as is noise from many other Fortnite pickaxes. There has been a short time this pickaxe was bugged and dealt 75 damage, but we doubt that is the reason why so many highly skilled players are still using the Star Wand.

Either way, the Star Wand is the sweatiest pickaxe in the entire game, right now.

Superhero skins

Surprisingly, superhero skins have become the sweatiest skins in the game. Even the male variations are typically worn by experienced players, which is rare.

Part of the reason superhero skins are so sweaty, right now, is the all-black variant. We’ve written several articles about how difficult it is to see these skins and Epic is working on a fix.

Even with this skin style turned off, superhero skins will still be one of the sweatiest skins in Fortnite. As of this writing, they may have even surpassed Aura as the number one sweat skin in the game.

So there you have it: the ten sweatiest Fortnite cosmetics for 2021. It will be interesting to see which skins, pickaxes, back bling, and even gliders take over the throne over the next year or so.

We’re sure we missed a few cosmetics, as we’ve narrowed our list down to ten. Let us know what we skipped on Twitter @FortniteINTEL.

Image Credit: Epic Games


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