How to find the new Gmail dark mode setting


Image: Brendan Hesse

Despite teasing supported dark mode extended before the release of Android 10, many users who installed the update noted that several Google applications still had no dark themes, including its Gmail application. However, it seems as if these dark missing theme options are finally starting to appear.

If you have updated Android 10 and are surprised you still do not see the dark theme in Gmail, it might be worth taking a second look. Some users have reported a new "themes" option in the settings of the Gmail app, which includes a dark mode setting. Here's how to check if the new dark Gmail mode is available:

Screenshot: Brendan Hesse
  1. Open the Gmail Android app.
  2. Tap the "hamburger" icon to three stacked lines.
  3. Tap on "general settings".
  4. Look for the "theme" header.
  5. If you have the setting, press it to select a light or dark theme, or "Default System" for the application to respect the current theme settings at the operating system level.

If you do not to access Gmail's dark mode, you can try to update your Gmail app through Google Play Store. Dark mode is available in the 2019.08.18.267 version of the application or later if you are using Android 10, but the feature seems to be unfolding unevenly and may not be available to everyone yet. It is possible to manually force the Gmail Dark Theme option to appear, but this requires rooting your phone. Unless you really need a dark mode right now, it's easier to wait for the update to hit your device.


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