How to finish the tournament Fortnite Season 9, Week 2, titled "Aeration Launch in Different Matches"


Every week, players face new challenges. This week, players must launch aerators in different games.

Each season of Fortnite Battle Royale lasts ten weeks and includes seven new challenges each week.

One of the challenges of Week 2 is to charge players to launch five different vents at different games, and we have a map to help you find all Fortnite aeration slots.

Where are the aerators at Fortnite?

The second week of season 9 requires players to launch via five different exits through a vent.

The vents can be located all around the map, usually in height, along the buildings.

Here is a map to see all places for vents in Fortnite:

The majority of the vents are in the middle of the Fortnite map, especially near Neo Tilted, Loot Lake and Pleasant Park.

We completed this challenge by joining a Team Rumble LTM and heading immediately to a vent.

Once we landed and used a vent, we left the game and repeated the process.

It took us about 5 minutes to take up this challenge.

Once players have used five aerators at different matches, they will be rewarded with a gaming experience for their Season 9 Combat Pass.

If you need help meeting one of the challenges of the second week, be sure to check out our guides, like our step by step guide on how to finish "visit an oversized phone, a grand piano and a giant fish trophy dancing".

Good luck and have fun!


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