How to fix low FPS issues in Warzone Season 2


Many PC Warzone gamers have reported a significant impact on their performance in every Warzone update, so here’s how to make sure you get the best performance from your system in Season 2.

Frames Per Second, or FPS, is an extremely important statistic for competitive shooters. The smoother your game, the faster your reaction time and the easier it is to follow moving targets. This is why streamers and pros spend thousands of dollars on their gaming platforms.

With each new season of Warzone, the map is updated. Season 2 didn’t make as many changes as the previous season, but the addition of some of the new assets caused some FPS issues.

Unfortunately, with Warzone continuing to update, the minimum PC specs may no longer be sufficient. Every day more and more players are reporting a drop in FPS since the start of Warzone Season 2.

Warzone FPS drops in season 2

Since the start of Season 2 on February 25, social media has been on fire and players have reported a significant drop in FPS. Reddit user u / N_Assassin72 said they experienced a performance drop since downloading the update. The same problem was repeated in the responses

This problem is not exclusive to a handful of users, with many players with high end systems showing extremely low FPS on Warzone. Gaming is getting heavier on CPU, so a good graphics card will not be enough to get competitive performance from your system.

How to Maximize Warzone PC Performance

Warzone Verdansk Map

It appears Warzone is experiencing optimization issues as the game becomes increasingly difficult for PCs to run. While many gamers are now struggling to run Warzone, neither Infinity Ward nor Raven Software have commented on the performance issues.

In the meantime, here are some things you can do to make sure you’re getting maximum performance from your PC.

Use the best Warzone game settings

You need to make sure that you are running the optimal in-game Warzone settings on your PC. For Warzone, good performance far outweighs high graphics; settings like raytracing will be extremely taxing on your system without giving you any competitive advantage.

You can check out our full guide to the best Warzone settings for Season 2 here.

Restoring NVIDIA Drivers

NVIDIA releases new graphics drivers to maintain optimal system performance, but sometimes these updates have the opposite effect.

Warzone Renaissance Island

If you notice a significant drop in the performance of your PC, it may be worth reverting your drivers to a previous version.

To restore an NVIDIA driver in Windows 10:

  1. Find Device Manager and open it
  2. Click Graphics Cards
  3. Double click on your graphics card
  4. Open the Drivers tab
  5. Select Roll Back Driver

If the Roll Back Driver box is grayed out, you must manually uninstall and then install a previous driver.

  1. Select Uninstall Driver from the same menu, then follow the steps
  2. Go to the GeForce Drivers tab on
  3. Find your graphics card
  4. Install a previous driver from the list

Troubleshoot Ryzen / Intel CPU Warzone issues

By simply changing a value in your Modern Warfare folder in Documents, you could see a huge performance improvement.

Modern Warfare may default to an incorrect value for the number of cores in your system, resulting in drops in FPS and stuttering. This fix from Techtesters YouTube channel will apply the correct number.

To recap the Techtesters video:

  1. Open Task Manager and select the Performance tab
  2. Click on CPU and on the right you will see how many cores your PC has (eg 6)
  3. Open Modern Warfare in Documents
  4. Select the ‘players’ folder
  5. Click on ‘adv_options’
  6. Set the ‘RenderWorkerCount’ to be equal to your number of cores
  7. Save and exit and you should see a marked improvement in Warzone performance

Until Warzone performance issues have been resolved through official channels, check out these tips to ensure you are getting the best possible performance from your PC.

Image credits: Activision


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