How to fix the blurred image of PSVR – Guide


PSVR Image Blur PlayStation VR Guides 1

How do you correct the blurred PSVR image? He's the ultimate immersion killer, after all – there's a beautiful virtual world all around you, but you fight the fog to see it. When you play PlayStation VR, the resolution of the screen and the fact that you are holding it to millimeters of the screen are always a bit blurry, but if the picture is blurry, then here are some of the things you can try to lighten the image quality of your headphones.

How to fix the blurred PSVR image

So, how to correct blurry images in the PSVR? We recommend that you try the following steps to make sure your headset contains a clearer picture.

PSVR Blurred Image PlayStation VR Guides 2

Clean the lenses of your PSVR helmet

This is an obvious place to start, but you would be surprised at the number of people who neglect such a simple detail. If you have accidentally touched the lenses of your PSVR helmet with a finger or even an eyelash, there may be residue on the surface of the glass. Use a microfiber cloth and quickly clean both lenses. remember to be gentle so as not to score the lenses, but sufficiently thorough to remove all traces of grime.

Condensation may also be a problem with PSVR; sticking the cold glass next to your warm face can cause steam inside the helmet, which will obscure your vision in virtual reality. If this happens, you will of course want to clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth. One tip to avoid this problem is to turn on the headset a few minutes before playing. This warms the material and reduces the risk of condensation.

PSVR Blurred Image PlayStation VR Guides 3

Make sure the PSVR headset is turned on properly

Do you wear your PSVR headset correctly? If that is the case, you should be able to see with perfect clarity. A good way to check this is to stay on the PS4 dashboard when you put on the headset and make sure there is no blur or fog on the menu screen. If you have fog or double vision and you are sure everything is clean, you may need to simply move the helmet around your face to find the perfect atmosphere point.

Be careful when doing this, you do not want to break the PSVR helmet. We recommend gently moving the helmet around your face using the headband on your forehead. Work until everything is clear, then tighten the headphones with the knob on the back. Do not forget that you can also move the headset closer to or away from your eyes, which can also help eliminate any blur.

PSVR Blurred Image PlayStation VR Guides 4

Measure your eye to eye distance

It's a fancy word, is not it? If you are sure your PSVR headset is clean and properly adjusted and the blur persists, it may be time to adjust the interpupillary distance. Although the majority of you should not need this step, it can help you stay a few late-comers struggling with poor image quality.

Just go to Settings in the main menu of the PS4 (the toolbox icon in the top row), then go to Devices> PlayStation VR> Measure Eye-to-Eye Distance and follow the steps. You will need to take a picture of your face and align the boxes to the position of your eyes. Keep trying until you are sure of the proper setting, and hope it will eliminate any remaining blur.

PSVR Blurred Image PlayStation VR Guides 5

Remember that PSVR is not perfect

If the blurring persists, you can try to restart the PSVR's PS4 headset and PS4 console, but you may have to admit that any problems you are experiencing may be due to the limitations of the hardware itself. For example, you will always have double vision in your peripheral vision because of the curvature of the PSVR lenses.

As mentioned earlier, you attach a screen to the face, which means that the problems will always be accentuated. Try to place your face near your TV screen for a while, and you will most likely notice the same flaws, even on a high-end 4K panel. Interestingly, because all software is developed differently, some titles work at a higher resolution than others, which means that some games will simply look more "clean" than others. If you're playing on a standard PS4, upgrading to the PS4 Pro can help, as some games display higher resolution on supercharged hardware and use super-sampling to improve the overall quality of the image. Your mileage will vary, but it's an option to explore.

Do you have fuzzy picture problems with PSVR? Do you have any other tips to add to ours? Focus your thoughts in the comments section below.


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